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MAFS UK: Which couples are still together from season 9?

MAFS UK: Which couples are still together from season 9?


The 2024 season truly delivered on the drama.

After getting closer off-camera, Ryan Livesey and former Invaders bride and groom Hannah Norburn were spotted filming together, according to MailOnline.

Ryan and Hannah left their respective marriages in scenes currently airing on E4, so their romantic relationship may have occurred after their period ended.

A source told MailOnline: The entire cast was left gaping when Hannah walked into the reunion holding hands with Ryan. She made a great point about how her kindness was taken the wrong way and how her intentions were misjudged by the female members of the group. But after secretly kissing Olsen and getting close to Ryan off-camera, it looks like some of her co-stars' suspicions were accurate.

Thankfully, Sionainn wasn't hurt by the betrayal and wasn't bothered by her ex-husband moving in with the cast. There is no animosity between Sionainn and Ryan and they parted on good terms.

That shocking fact aside, which of this year's MAFS couples are still together?

Which MAFS Couples Are Still Together?

Richelle and Orson – not together

Sparks flew on Orson and Richelle's wedding day, but things seemed to change when Orson told Richelle about his feelings on their honeymoon.

The pair got into a heated argument when Olsen revealed she had been harmed by her former partner's infidelity.

Orson and Richelle dramatically ended their relationship in a final commitment ceremony after he was involved in an infidelity scandal later in the series with Hannah.

Eve and Charlie – Not Together

Newlyweds Charlie and Eve clicked immediately when they first met on their wedding day. But it didn't take long for everything to fall apart.

The couple argued frequently during their honeymoon, and Eve would often leave when she no longer wanted to be a part of it.

After she announced she was 'quitting' the show, Charlie's marriage appeared to be falling apart. During the second commitment ceremony, Eve and Charlie decided to withdraw from the experiment after receiving poor results on the show.

Christina and Kieran – together

Since the show began, Kristina and Kieran have only had kind words to say about each other on social media, and following each other on Instagram is a positive sign.

They believed they were still together.

Hannah and Stephen – not together

Shortly after Stephen and Hannah Hek exchanged vows, things took a turn when Stephen told his new bride that he had four children.

Even while they were on their honeymoon, the couple's relationship was still not good and they were always fighting.

Things took a turn for the worst when Hannah 'threatened' to reveal Stephen's family secrets on TV and the pair started arguing even more. Plus, the bad vibes continued when the cast found out Hannah had been seducing Ryan and Orson, and a very awkward retreat ensued.

Sasha and Ross – Not Together

Their relationship took a different turn after Sacha told Ross' best friend that he was celibate and refrained from kissing his new husband at the altar.

They became more intimate during their honeymoon, and Sacha agreed to share a bed with Ross. However, the couple is believed to have broken up as they no longer follow each other on Instagram.

Caspar and Emma – unknown

Emma seemed very pleased with her performance, but things got off to a rocky start as Caspar claimed she reminded him of his twin sister.

Even on their honeymoon, he showed some disdain by saying that he would never meet a dizzying woman like Emma.

However, Emma and Caspar continue to follow each other on Instagram, suggesting their romance may have been a slow burn.

Because the wedding went well and communication was active, she was selected as Barbie of the Year and Ken of the Show.

It looks like the couple is still together as we have seen a lot of their adorable interactions on Instagram and they continue to follow each other.

Lacey and Nathan – Not Together

Nathan and Lacey's wedding did not get off to a smooth start. Nathan was dressed in pink and thought Lacey's twin sister was his bride, and as she walked down the aisle, Lacey exclaimed.

When Lacey finally reached the end of the altar, Nathan gave her a flat reply, “You look great,” which left her feeling angry, to put it mildly.

Things didn't get much better when Nathan called his new wife MrsQueefbottom during his speech, but by the end of the evening the pair seemed to be getting along well.

Lacey follows Nathan on Instagram, but he doesn't follow her, so we don't think they are together.

Alex revealed to Holly's best friend during the wedding breakfast that he was hesitant about marrying his parents for the first time (Holly is a mother of two). But the pair appeared to be on cloud 9 as they headed off to their honeymoon – but he later denied Holly's concerns on the matter.

They had a heated argument over the vacation, but later reconciled, so they didn't stay on Cloud Nine indefinitely. They are shown to argue frequently before going on to forgive each other, suggesting this is a pattern that continues throughout the show.

The two don't follow each other on Instagram, so we can't confirm if they're still together.

Shannon and Ryan – Not Together

The two, who became closer through their honeymoon, also revealed that they each suffered from cancer in different ways.

We had a successful first dedication ceremony. But Sionainn has since revealed that Ryan admitted she was just pretending to feel something. He had to stop experimenting, and Sionainn followed suit.

Currently, they do not follow each other on social media.

Polly and Adam – Not Together

One of the most recent couples to marry during the experiment was Adam and Polly. Experts paired Polly, a 28-year-old career adviser from Kent, with Adam, a 33-year-old barber from Nottingham.

But things didn't go as planned when Adam neglected to compliment Polly at the altar on their wedding day.

Adam's reluctance to be intimate with Polly due to his lack of desire appears to be the main relationship obstacle.

Besides, taking intimacy classes with Charlene doesn't seem to change much.

They remained on the course after their second commitment ceremony and seemed to be moving in the right direction until Polly joked about switching husbands during retreat week and choosing Stephen.




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