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All five One Direction albums return to UK top 40 after Liam Payne's death | Ent & Arts News

All five One Direction albums return to UK top 40 after Liam Payne's death | Ent & Arts News


All five of One Direction's studio albums have returned to the UK top 40 following the death of former member Liam Payne.

The singer died at the age of 31 last week after falling from the third-floor balcony of the Casa Sur Hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The band's 2013 album Midnight Memories, which included hits such as Best Song Ever and Story Of My Life, reached number 13 in the UK Albums Chart, while their last album, Made In The AM (2015), reached number 21. To the official chart company.

At 22 is the band's 2014 album Four. Take Me Home (2012) is 25 years old, and 2011 debut album Up All Night is 38 years old.

Two One Direction songs re-entered the top ten, with Night Changes peaking at number six on the singles chart and Story Of My Life re-entering the top ten.

Payne's 2019 solo album LP1 returned to the top 100 at number 62.

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Since news of Payne's death was announced on Wednesday, dozens of celebrities and fans have paid tribute to Payne, including his former partner Cheryl, his bandmates and music mogul Simon Cowell.

Most recently, they include American singer Nicole Scherzinger, who was a judge on The X Factor when Payne auditioned and helped form One Direction on the show in 2010.

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0:35 Liam Payne: The police raided the hotel.

The former Pussycat Doll posted a photo of herself and Payne and Destiny's Child singer Kelly Rowland on Instagram on Friday. The three were filming a new Netflix show this summer called Building The Band, on which they all served as judges.

“Dear Liam, I will forever cherish and treasure the time we shared together, from 15 years ago until just a few weeks ago when One Direction was born,” Scherzinger wrote.

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0:47 Tribute vigil held for Liam Payne in Birmingham

“It has been such a blessing to work with you recently. We share the same love and passion for music and I will forever remember the meaningful and enjoyable conversations we had.”

She ended her tribute by saying, “My friend ‘I miss you’ and I will keep you in my heart.”

READ MORE:Liam Payne's toxicology report not completedLiam Payne's sister pays tribute Police were photographed searching the hotel where Liam Payne died.

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Thousands of fans also tearfully remembered the late singer at memorial events across the UK over the weekend in London's Hyde Park, as well as in the US and Buenos Aires.

Payne previously admitted to struggling with alcoholism, explaining to CEO podcast host Steven Bartlett's The Diary Of A CEO that he had reached “bottom.”




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