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UK expands military presence in Indo-Pacific to counter China | foreign policy

UK expands military presence in Indo-Pacific to counter China | foreign policy


Britain will strengthen its military and economic presence in the Indo-Pacific to support regional stability, Keir Starmer announced on Saturday.

As part of efforts to counter Chinese influence, ministers will expand the Royal Navy's presence in the region and undertake more joint patrols with Pacific island nations.

The Prime Minister warned Britain cannot ignore the challenges facing its allies on the other side of the world.

He will announce the plans as he prepares to return home from Samoa, where he is attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Chogm).

The Navy Patrol will focus on maritime security, combating illegal fishing, and responding to natural disasters ravaging the South Pacific, one of the world's most disaster-prone regions.

The UK has two patrol ships continuously deployed to the Indo-Pacific, including HMS Tamar, which is supporting security in Samoa at Chogm.

Ministers will also establish a Pacific Business Club with Australia and collaborate on renewable energy projects with New Zealand.

Geopolitical competition for influence in the South Pacific region is growing rapidly, raising concerns about militarization of the region.

The Guardian reports that military and security agreements between Pacific nations and Australia, the United States and China are proliferating, with Western powers responding to China's growing presence.

This week's visit to the Pacific has reaffirmed how important this part of the world is to the UK's prosperity and security, and I know we also have a vital role to play in supporting the region across business, trade and defence, Starmer said. name.

As a responsible international company, we cannot ignore the challenges faced by our friends and partners on the other side of the world. So my message today is clear. This is just the beginning of our commitment to the Indo-Pacific.

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After conducting the 2021 Foreign Policy and Security Review, the Conservatives under Boris Johnson announced an Indo-Pacific bias that will see the UK focus on building trade and security ties with the region. There have been questions about whether Labor will embrace an Indo-Pacific orientation in government.

Ministers said expansion in the Indo-Pacific region will also focus on growth and the Pacific Business Club will aim to help companies invest in developing countries in the region.

The purpose of the club is to act as a springboard for investors and create links between businesses and local governments.

The government will also work with New Zealand to develop renewable energy projects in the Pacific region by increasing private investment and making it easier for companies to enter the market. Foreign Secretary David Lammy is expected to announce more details alongside his New Zealand counterpart later this year.




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