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UK-EU reset talks postponed until next year

UK-EU reset talks postponed until next year


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Talks on resetting relations between the EU and Britain have been postponed until next year after the bloc's members insisted they must agree on their own priorities before hearing proposals and demands from the government in London.

Three EU diplomats told the Financial Times that despite busy meetings between British ministers and officials in Brussels, a decision on the negotiating mandate will not be made before a meeting of European ministers on December 17.

British Trade Secretary Douglas Alexander told a conference in Dublin on Thursday that talks would begin in early 2025, with trade policy forming a central part of them.

But diplomats said negotiations would begin over the issue of continued access to British fishing waters, which expires in 2026 as part of the Brexit deal.

We have to start with fish and energy. The fishing community is economically small but politically large, one person said. North Sea countries such as France, Belgium and Denmark want assurances that they can continue to catch as many fish as they currently do in British waters before agreeing to a closer relationship.

Another top priority is energy. Measures to allow the smooth flow of electricity and gas between the UK and the continent should also be reviewed in 2026.

The electricity trading deal will not be expanded without a deal on fishing rights under a tripwire clause linking the two issues in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

In a sign that fish are likely to become a contentious issue, the EU on Friday requested arbitration over Britain's decision to ban the fishing of sand eels in the North Sea's Dogger Bank.

London said this was a conservation measure to protect puffins from preying on them. But Denmark complained about the closure of its fishing fleet.

The Tribunal will rule on the compatibility of this Act with the TCA.

The 27 EU member states also want to discuss a youth mobility deal that London has already rejected. EU Brexit Commissioner Maro Efovi changed the plan to the Youth Opportunities Scheme after British Prime Minister Keir Starmer refused to return to freedom of movement.

The agreement, as amended by member states, would allow young people under 30 from the EU and the UK to work and study in each other's countries for three years. But the Labor government, which has promised to reduce immigration, is wary.

EU officials will hold a series of seminars on the UK relationship over the next five weeks, after which the EU will draw up its negotiating mandate.

Until then, the European Commission had been told not to engage in serious talks because of concerns that President Ursula von der Leyen was too keen on a deal with London. council [of member states] One diplomat said he would set the agenda.

Nick Thomas-Symonds, the UK Cabinet Office minister responsible for EU relations, met efovi and senior European lawmakers in Strasbourg this week. He said he and efovi discuss joint agendas and strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest, including the economy, energy, security and resilience.

London has said there will be no return to the single market or customs union, limiting the potential positive aspects of the EU's negotiations.

British officials said Whitehall's internal scoping exercise on Britain's negotiating position was also expected to continue until Christmas.

French lawmaker Sandro Gozi, who met Thomas-Symonds as co-chair of the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership plenary session, said the UK should outline its ideas.

The ball is in their court. We are in listening mode, he said. Gozi is part of a delegation of MEPs visiting London next week.

efovi said he wanted to push forward an agenda of strengthening cooperation while ensuring existing agreements run like clockwork.




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