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Campaigners call for deep cuts in UK greenhouse gas emissions | green politics

Campaigners call for deep cuts in UK greenhouse gas emissions | green politics


Climate campaigners have called on ministers to cut Britain's greenhouse gas emissions even further after the government's climate statutory adviser delivered its verdict on the new target.

The Climate Change Committee, which advises the government, has recommended to Energy Secretary Ed Miliband that Britain's emissions be reduced by 81% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels, excluding emissions from the aviation and shipping sectors. I have sent you a letter.

Now Miliband must choose whether to follow the committee's advice in setting out the UK's new international commitments under the Paris Agreement at the upcoming UN climate summit.

The international target of an 81% cut would be broadly consistent with the UK's existing domestic carbon budget for the 2030s. The budget has been set based on advice from the CCC and aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

But campaigners urged the government to show global leadership and go further to promote innovation and a low-carbon economy. Mike Childs, policy director at Friends of the Earth, said: “With climate change spiraling out of control, the recommended 81% reduction should be seen as the minimum carbon reduction target the UK government should commit to. Increasing the ambition to actually make deeper cuts would show real leadership in the global effort to avoid the worst climate breakdown.

Catherine Pettengel, Executive Director of Climate Action Network UK, said: [This] It should be the floor, not the ceiling, of Britain's ambition and action. More ambitious and fairer goals can be achieved if the UK demonstrates its full economic and political will.

Achieving new goals will not be easy. Analysis by Friends of the Earth shows the UK is far from meeting international targets, with emissions set to fall by 68% by 2030 set by Boris Johnson ahead of the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow in 2021.

Doug Parr, head of policy at Greenpeace UK, said: Real leadership means the government must also set out a realistic plan to meet the 2035 target. He called for ending new oil and gas licensing by 2030, meeting Labor's pledge to at least triple renewable energy and doubling energy efficiency, and supporting workers to move out of polluting industries.

Another key question raised by Miliband in setting the UK's international targets, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, is how to account for emissions from international aviation and transport to and from the UK.

These emissions are now included in the UK's domestic carbon budget, but were not explicitly included in the 2015 Paris Agreement and previous international agreements due to the difficulty of allocating emissions to specific countries. Some activists argue that aviation and shipping are implicitly included in the Paris Agreement, but there is disagreement on this and most countries exclude aviation and shipping from their NDCs.

Jonathan Hood, UK sustainable transport manager at the Transport and Environment Campaign Group, said they should be included. He said passing responsibility for shipping emissions to the inefficient International Maritime Organization and excluding them from the NDC made no sense, especially as the UK had already accepted legal responsibility for international shipping and aviation emissions by including them in its sixth carbon budget.

If aviation and shipping were included, the NDC's headline target would in effect be equivalent to a cut of around 78% by 2035, in line with the UK's carbon budget.

The new NDC is not due to be submitted to the UN until February next year, but Keir Starmer has promised the UK will release it early at the Cop29 UN climate summit in Azerbaijan from November 11.

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The Prime Minister told other leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in New York last month: The UK will again lead the way in tackling climate change at home and abroad and restoring our commitment to international development. The threat of climate change is existential and it is happening here and now. So we reset the UK's approach.

Early implementation of the NDC is intended to encourage other major economies to do the same. But the biggest question hanging over Cop29 is whether Donald Trump will win the US presidential election held just five days ago. Trump has vowed to dismantle the green industry stimulus implemented by Joe Biden, increase fossil fuels and withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement.

The UK met its first three five-year carbon budgets under the 2008 Climate Change Act, but current and future budgets appear more difficult to meet. This carbon budget will last until 2027 and will be assessed at the end of the 2029 Parliament. The fifth and sixth carbon budgets call for emissions to be reduced by 58% by 2032 and 78% by 2037. The seventh carbon budget is: CCC will decide next year.

Conservative leadership candidate Robert Jenrick has pledged to repeal climate change laws, while his primary rival Kemi Badenoch is also hostile to Britain's net zero ambitions.

A Department of Energy Security and Net Zero spokesperson said: The UK is committed to climate leadership because the only way we can protect this generation is the only way we can make the UK a clean energy superpower and protect our children and our future. I participated again. generation is driving global climate action.

We thank the Committee on Climate Change for its expert advice, which we will carefully consider before announcing ambitious nationally determined contribution targets at Cop29 to help limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.




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