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Elon Musk began his career working illegally in the United States before becoming a spokesperson for illegal immigration

Elon Musk began his career working illegally in the United States before becoming a spokesperson for illegal immigration


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Billionaire Elon Musk, who became a fierce opponent of illegal immigration as Donald Trump's top surrogate and fueled misleading claims on the issue throughout the 2024 election cycle, launched his career in Silicon Valley by working illegally, according to the Washington Post.

Musk echoed former President Donald Trump's positions on immigration. (Photo by Anna… [+] Moneymaker/Getty Images)

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The Post, citing associates, court records and company documents, found that Musk did not have the legal right to work in the United States when he created Zip2, a directory software company. 'companies that sold for around $300 million 25 years ago.

Musk, born in Pretoria, South Africa, dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University in 1995 as a foreign exchange student to work on his startup.

Musk's immigration status puts the company at risk of not receiving funding, according to the Post, which cites a financing agreement between Zip2 and Mohr Davidow Ventures under which Musk, his brother Kimbal and an associate had 45 days to obtain legal employment status or risk losing it. on the investment of 3 million dollars.

Derek Proudian, a Zip2 board member who later became the company's chief executive, told the Post that Zip2's investors did not want its founder deported and that the Musk brothers' immigration status n t was not what it should be for them to be legally employed at the head of a company. in the United States

Musk acknowledged his immigration status when he founded Zip2 in a 2005 email to Tesla co-founders Martin Eberhard and JB Straubel, revealed in a lawsuit, in which he explained that he had applied to Stanford to legally remain in the United States, according to the Post.

Representatives for X and Alex Spiro, one of Musk's lawyers, did not immediately respond to Forbes' request for comment, and Musk has not yet responded to the story on X.

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Musk is now worth around $274.7 billion, making him the richest person in the world.

Large number

1,300. That's the number of times Musk has posted about immigration and election fraud this year, including 330 in the last two months, according to Bloomberg Technology, which noted that these topics have become the posts Musk's most frequent and interesting ones.

Crucial quote

When they funded us, they realized we were illegal immigrants, Kimbal said during a 2013 panel discussion alongside his brother. Elon tried to intervene before Kimbal again insisted that both brothers were immigrants at the start of Zip2. Elon responded: I would say it was a gray area.


Musk has said he is extremely pro-immigration and has advocated for the United States to expand its immigration system so it can let in anyone who is hard-working, honest and will contribute.

Key context

Musk's spread of misinformation has thrived on . the fraudulent messages coincide with the approach of Election Day and its support and endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Musk echoed Trump's misleading claims that Democrats are trying to give voting rights to illegal immigrants, saying that early this year Democrats would import and legalize enough migrants to ensure permanent one-party rule of more and more socialist (to a confiscatory level). and repressive. Despite concerns about illegal non-citizen voting, studies have shown that attempts at illegal voting are rare. Musk has also extended his anti-immigration stance to other countries, suggesting that last year a German humanitarian group leading an immigrant rescue operation in the Mediterranean Sea was violating the sovereignty of Italy, where rescued immigrants were been released.

Further reading

Musk echoes right-wing claims on immigration as bipartisan Senate bill finally released: What you need to know (Forbes)

Elon Musk attacks Germany over migrant rescue, cites invasion vibes (Forbes)




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