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Prince Charles plans overseas trip as cancer treatment continues | uk news

Prince Charles plans overseas trip as cancer treatment continues | uk news


The King plans to return to a full-fledged overseas tour schedule next year.

Buckingham Palace said the King was planning a full overseas tour next year despite his ongoing cancer treatment.

Concluding the King and Queen's nine-day visit to Australia and Samoa, a senior palace official said: “We are now preparing for next year's full overseas program in what appears to be a fairly normal way.

“Knowing that we can think in those terms with the approval of our doctors is the best for us.”

The trip, the King's first visit of this size and scope since he was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, originally included a visit to New Zealand, but was ruled out on doctor's advice.

A palace source added: “I think it's a great testament to the King's dedication to service and duty that he was prepared to come this far and was incredibly happy and very determined to do so.”

The King and Queen's schedule of up to ten engagements a day was specially tailored to accommodate periods of rest and included only one evening event.

The King is said to have “truly loved” his time in Australia and Samoa and “thrived” on the programme.

Read more:Analysis – King's first trip after diagnosis is a success despite anti-colonial protests

Image: The King and Queen with their cricket team members during a visit to the Samoan cultural village of Apia. Photo:PA

A senior palace official added: “His mood and mood were uplifted and restorative. In that sense, the tour was the perfect tonic despite the difficult demands.”

Despite this, the king's death was never far from center stage, and was even mentioned on a few occasions by the monarch himself.

Concluding his speech at the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Chogm), he said: At every step of this journey, let us learn the lessons of the past.”

And at a traditional farewell ceremony in the village of Siumu on the last day of the trip, he said, “I will always be devoted to this world, and I hope to survive long enough to come back and see you again.” .”

However, for the palace, this is a positive reflection of how the King is 'dealing' with his cancer diagnosis.

READ MORE:What did indigenous activists shout at the king? The King gave Samoa a pig carcass.

A palace source said the king was “a great believer in mind, body and spirit”, adding: “The combination of a doctor staying with the king to ensure he is properly cared for makes for a very successful visit under these circumstances.” . “.

And his patience is strengthened by the Queen's support.

A palace insider added: “The King benefits greatly from the Queen being there, especially because she keeps it real.”

It is reported that the King will resume cancer treatment upon his return to the UK after a brief break abroad.

In addition to his public engagement, the King's constitutional duties continued behind the scenes during the tour, with red state boxes flying from London.

But the trip was not without its challenges. There was a moment of confrontation in Canberra, with Lidia Thorpe running on stage and shouting: “You are not my king. This is not your land.”

Image: Australian Senator Lydia Thorpe shouts at the King. Photo: Reuters

But the king remained “unperturbed.”

A palace official said, “It’s been a long time since we settled down. As always, [he] “Keep calm and continue.”

He believes that “freedom of speech is the cornerstone of democracy and everyone has the right to their own opinions.”

And when the Commonwealth's Caribbean countries raised the issue of reparations at Chogm, he uncharacteristically did not “dodge” the issue, a palace official said.

“It is very easy to run away from some of these problems, but the king is not the man to do that.”




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