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The British minister said blocking Unrwa would cause serious harm to Israel's reputation. foreign policy

The British minister said blocking Unrwa would cause serious harm to Israel's reputation. foreign policy


Israel's reputation as a democracy will be severely damaged if the Knesset pushes ahead with legislation this week that would halt all cooperation between the Israeli government and the Palestinian aid agency Unrwa, Britain's Middle East minister said.

Hamish Falconer said such measures would be neither in Israel's interest nor realistic as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is catastrophic and worsening.

His comments are the strongest criticism by a Western government minister of the bill, which could be voted on as early as this week unless Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intervenes.

He said in a joint statement by seven European foreign ministries, including the UK, urging Israel to withdraw the proposed law: It is important that Unrwa and other UN agencies are able to fully deliver humanitarian assistance and assistance to these people. Those who need it most perform their duties effectively.

Falconer called for more aid to be granted to Gaza and said too many civilians were being killed in Israeli attacks on Hamas in Gaza. He was speaking at a conference convened in London by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Falconer said the steps the Labor government had taken so far did not mean Labor's support for the state of Israel had declined, but his comments were as sharp as those delivered by the Labor minister.

He said: We are deeply concerned about the bill currently being considered by the Israeli Knesset that would critically undermine Unrwa. That is neither in Israel's interests nor realistic.

Given the vital role of organizations providing aid and essential services at a time when more aid needs to flow into Gaza, the fact that Israeli lawmakers are taking steps to provide food and water is very damaging to Israel's international reputation as a democracy. It's harmful. , medicines and health care are more difficult to obtain.

He added: The international community has been clear that Unrwa and other humanitarian organizations must be able to provide full support.

Many Israelis believe Unrwa is too closely aligned with Hamas and is also committed to the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

Falconer, who recently visited the Egypt-Gaza border, said humanitarian access to Gaza remains completely inadequate. “I saw firsthand the thousands of trucks waiting to cross the border,” he said. Some people have been there for months. There was a warehouse full of lifesaving medical equipment, sleeping bags, winter tarps, etc. There have been repeated attacks on humanitarian convoys, and the level of incoming aid is too low.

He spoke about Israel's military tactics in the Gaza Strip: Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that hides behind the civilians of Gaza. However, all parties must do everything possible to protect civilians and fully respect international humanitarian law.

He said Israel must protect civilians, even if it means making difficult choices. Too often we have seen civilians pay the price in the pursuit of Hamas. The Israeli government must take all necessary precautions to prevent civilian casualties and to ensure the free flow of aid through Gaza and all humanitarian land routes.

Falconer also said: As long as there is little accountability for settler violence, the government will consider further action.

He warned that the risk of further escalation could not be overstated, urging calmer heads to prevail and urging Iran not to retaliate for Israel's attack on Saturday. The death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar presented an opportunity for a new chapter, he said, and there was no military solution to the crisis.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, speaking via video link at the same event, said: Hamas cannot be allowed to continue to rule Gaza and Israel must step down to allow the development of a different governance structure for the Strip. It will. Reconstruction is scheduled to take place.

Blair said he was aware that many in Israel doubted whether Gaza could be run differently and that many were assuming support for Hamas was higher than reality.

He said a poll commissioned by the Tony Blair Institute in August showed that the most popular choice was an administration of Gaza representatives with international oversight and links to the Palestinian Authority. He said opinion polls showed strong agreement in the West Bank for moderate and deep reform of the Palestinian Authority.




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