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Plans to increase French school travel to UK at risk under new UK entry rules | Brexit

Plans to increase French school travel to UK at risk under new UK entry rules | Brexit


A scheme designed to increase the number of French children able to travel to the UK for school trips is reportedly at risk due to an overhaul of the country's entry requirements.

New regulations on school trips to France were introduced through a meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in December last year.

The pair struck a deal to allow French students to travel to the UK using their national ID cards, and for their classmates from non-EU countries to enter the country without a visa, to address the decline in visits after Brexit.

However, the Financial Times reports that the scheme is at risk due to the UK's new Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) scheme, which is due to come into effect on April 2, 2025 and will require all EU visitors to register before traveling to the UK. This procedure requires the child to have a passport.

The FT quotes an October 8 letter from Valrie Boned, president of Les Entreprises du Voyage, France's main travel agency trade body, to British Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, asking whether the program for French school groups: It will be maintained. The group said it had not received a response from the Home Office.

The Home Office declined to comment.

In a letter seen by the FT, Boned wrote that the sooner the situation is resolved, the less likely it will be to the number of school trips in 2025.

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According to data from Les Entreprises du Voyage, the scheme has led to a 30% increase in school trips from France to the UK, which is 60% below 2019 levels when the scheme was introduced.

The FT also cited French government officials who expressed concerns to the UK government about how the ETA program would affect school trip plans.

The Labor government has promised to reset relations with the EU. Prime Minister Keir Starmer is under pressure from Brussels to reset the deal to include discussions on a youth mobility plan that would allow young people from the EU to live and work in the UK for a period of time.

But even though the UK has struck similar deals with geographically distant partners including Australia, New Zealand and Canada, Starmer has repeatedly ruled out such a move.




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