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Prince William defends his ambitious plan to tackle UK homelessness

Prince William defends his ambitious plan to tackle UK homelessness


Editor's note: This is CNN's version of Royal News, a weekly dispatch that brings you inside news from the British royal family. Sign up here.


Prince William said he had no agenda other than wanting to help those in need, he said in a documentary series that follows the future king as he launches a five-year program that will help end homelessness in six regions across the UK. .

The Homewards program, launched in partnership with the Princes Royal Foundation, will provide up to 500,000 ($648,000) worth of seed funding to each of six regions to support pioneering homelessness initiatives, which, if successful, could be replicated nationally and in other regions. Internationally.

The ultimate ambition is to prove that we can prevent homelessness in this region so that others can come and say, “They can do it, so why can’t we?” The Prince of Wales spoke during the two-part ITV series. On Wednesdays and Thursdays in the UK. I don't think we should have to live with homelessness in the 21st century.

Filmed over 12 months, the documentary follows the prince and other experts as they search for potential solutions to Britain's homelessness crisis.

When the Homewards program launched last year, William faced some backlash for his participation, with critics deeming it ironic or even counterintuitive given his personal wealth portfolio. On British radio station LBC, he was called the Prince of Homelessness by presenter James O'Brien.

But William decided to confront his detractors head-on in the film. Why would I be here if I didn't properly use this role to influence and help people where I can? he said I like big challenges and I love them, but I can't do it alone.

Williams' ability to make people feel comfortable is a quality recognized by many of those featured in the documentary, including Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, a former homeless person who now works closely with the prince and advocates for the scheme.

The 41-year-old, who grew up in Newport, south Wales, started living on the streets when she was 15. My father had a terminal brain tumor and passed away when I was nine, she said in the documentary. The impact on the family was enormous.

Cohen-Hatton ended up sleeping rough on the streets of Newport to avoid the breakdown of her family at home, she said. In Newport, like many cities in the UK, street homelessness has almost doubled in the past three years, according to the documentary.

Cohen-Hatton, who is currently chief firefighter at West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in southern England, is supporting the prince in finding successful homelessness programs that can be scaled up across the UK.

Cohen-Hatton told CNN she was pragmatically optimistic about the impact Homewards could have. “I’m optimistic that people are focusing on the problem,” she said.

That's one of the prince's greatest strengths. He has real convening ability. He can get people around the table thinking about a persistent problem in a completely different way, and what their contribution is to that problem.

She added: From my perspective, he was absolutely instrumental in pushing this forward.

For Mick Clarke, CEO of London homeless charity The Passage, the documentary gives viewers a glimpse into the real William.

We see him as a real person. When he comes (to The Passage) he is very relaxed and very chill. When I think about his history when he was 11, he feels like there's a bit of a family connection there, he explained in a Q&A after the documentary's press screening. He's also very authentic, and people who have lived with the homeless are very good at judging almost immediately whether someone is being honest, genuine or not, and he feels very comfortable with it.

He continued, I think this shines a light on an aspect that we see all the time, an aspect that we see in the meetings that these people have with him. But sometimes the public doesn't.

The second episode explored the issue of youth homelessness in the UK and saw the Prince offer land in the Duchy of Cornwall to build 24 new homes, due to be completed in 2025.

The two-part documentary will be available to stream globally on Disney+ from Friday, while UK viewers will be able to watch it on ITVX.




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