More than meatballs: Ikea opens UK's first standalone restaurant in London | ikea
Meatballs are as famous as flat-pack furniture, and eating at one of their restaurants is often the highlight of an Ikea trip.
Now shoppers can enjoy an Ikea meal without having to literally haul around the kitchen sink, as Ikea has opened its first standalone restaurant on a British high street on King Street in Hammersmith. Located next to the City store in west London, the space seats 75 people and serves a range of Swedish dishes.
Diners can choose from two breakfast options: classic meatballs with mashed potatoes and peas, pasta with tomatoes and basil, fish and chips, and salmon with couscous and cooked meals. A children's tomato pasta dish is served, along with soft drinks and fruit.
It's a good price, said Feargal Cooke while dining with Mckenzie Lake. He agreed and said: “I love their hot dogs. Photo: David Levene/The Guardian
The restaurant also offers a bistro and cafe menu including hot dogs, ice cream, and a variety of desserts.
MacKenzie Lake, 22, who visited the restaurant with her sister's boyfriend, Feargal Cook, 26, said she found Ikea food to be very cheap while living locally. We usually come for the food. I like their hot dogs, Lake said. I definitely think the price is too good compared to the price of the food.
Cook said she likes Ikea food because of the convenience. We live right up the road so it's very close. [The food is] available. It's a good price. You ate more mashed potatoes, but I'm Irish so I want to eat more potatoes. great.
Prices for menu items are consistent with Ikea restaurant prices across the UK and range from 95p for a children's meal to 6.95p for a fish and chips or salmon meal. A meatball meal is 5.50 and a plant-based meal is 4.95.
Alice and Annie Anberree were visiting England from France. Alice (left) said it was much cheaper than anything else in London. Photo: David Levene/The Guardian
Alice Annbury (39), who visited the UK from France with her mother Annie Annbury (78), said she liked the restaurant because it was quiet and cheap.
'There is no music that I like that much, there is no sound,' he said. If not, you can still drink coffee. [much] And there was Wi-Fi, so I was able to work on my laptop. It's much cheaper than anywhere else in London.
Miguel Goncalbes and Karen Onbarza, both 31, stand in front of a display of household goods in a restaurant. Photo: David Levene/The Guardian
Ikea owners purchased Topshop's former flagship store on Oxford Street in London in 2021. However, due to problems with water leaking underground, the opening was postponed until the spring of 2025, about 18 months later than originally planned. An IKEA City store is also scheduled to open in Brighton, East Sussex, in late spring.
Matthew Gould, Market Manager at Ikea London City, said: “We know how much our customers love Ikea restaurants and we were delighted to celebrate the opening of our first high street restaurant.
Lovers of delicious cuisine can refuel during a shopping trip with the famous Swedish meatballs, enjoy coffee and sweet treats while enjoying traditional Swedish fika, or find inexpensive meals for the kids on the main street.
The restaurant's normal operating hours are Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 8 PM, Saturday 9 AM – 8 PM, and Sunday 9 AM – 4:30 PM. Breakfast is served until 11am, after which the standard menu is served.
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