Kemi Badenoch promises change after historic Tory leadership win.

Badenoch said leading the Tories was 'the greatest honour'.
Kemi Badenoch has promised to win back voters who left the Conservative Party after a historic victory in the party's leadership contest.
The 44-year-old becomes the first black woman to lead a major British political party.
She defeated fellow right-winger Robert Jenrick, 42, by 12,418 votes in a marathon contest to replace Rish Sunak, who led the party to its biggest defeat in its history at last July's general election.
In his victory speech, Badenoch promised to “renew” the party and told cheering supporters “it's time to get down to business”.
Beydenoch, who became the sixth Tory leader in less than nine years, now faces the task of uniting a divided party and leading opposition to Sir Keir Starmer's Labor government.
Saffron Walden said the Conservatives needed to win back voters who had abandoned them, adding: “Our party is vital to the success of our country.”
“But to listen, you have to be honest.”
She acknowledged the party had made mistakes and said standards should have been ignored by the government over the past 14 years.
Badenoch did not set detailed policies during the campaign, focusing instead on returning the Conservatives to “first principles”.
Now, as she plots the future shape of her party, all eyes will be on who she appoints to her top team.
She praised Jenrick despite a sometimes bruising campaign and hinted he might be offered a senior post, saying she would have a key role in our party for years to come.
Badenoch, who became an MP in 2017 after a career in banking and IT, said he would offer the job to any Conservative who launched a leadership bid in July.
However, shadow Home Secretary James Cleverley, who came third in this primary, voluntarily withdrew.
The BBC understands Badenoch plans to reveal his shadow cabinet by Wednesday, ahead of a crucial budget vote and a debut clash with Sir Keir at Prime Minister's Questions.
Jenrick did not speak to reporters after the results were announced, but took to social media to urge his supporters “to unite behind Chemistry and fight against this disastrous Labor government”.
He also thanked “everyone who has supported my vision for a Conservative Party rooted in the common ground of British politics”.
Badenoch received 53,806 votes to Jenrick's 41,388, making it the closest Tory leadership race in recent times.
Bob Blackman, who oversaw the election as chairman of the Conservative Party's 1922 committee, said membership had fallen to 132,000. This is the lowest level on record, down 40,000 since the last parliamentary vote in 2022.
Badenoch received congratulations from several of her predecessors, including Sunak, who posted on social media: “I know she will be a great leader for our great party.”
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson praised Badenoch's “courage and clarity” and said she was “bringing much-needed vitality and vitality to the Conservative Party.”
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in a social media post, “The birth of the Westminster Party’s first black leader is a proud moment for our country.”
He added: “I look forward to working with you and your party for the benefit of the British people.”
But Labor leader Ellie Reeves said the Conservative leadership campaign showed the party had “learned nothing since the British people resoundingly rejected them last July”.
Sir Ed Davey of the Lib Dem also congratulated Badenoch, saying, “The birth of the first black leader of a major British political party is a historic moment for Britain.”
But Richard Tice, deputy leader of the UK Reform Party, called Badenoch “just another of those Tory politicians who say one thing and do another”.
“Kemi Badenoch was front and center of the government that failed Britain,” he said in a statement.
Debates over immigration, the economy and how the Conservatives can regain trust with voters have dominated the 14-week campaign.
The party lost its seats in the House of Representatives to a record low of 121 in the general election, winning less than 24% of the vote.
Voters were lost on all fronts to Labour, the Liberal Democrats and British Reformists, while thousands of Conservative voters also decided to stay home at the July 4 polls.
Badenoch's appointment as Conservative leader comes just days after Labor unveiled its first budget in 14 years.
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph ahead of Wednesday's budget release, Badenoch criticized the Prime Minister's plans: “Rachel Reeves is raising billions of pounds out of thin air to invest in infrastructure.”
In response to the new Tory leader, Prime Minister Rachel Reeves told the Observer: If Kemi Badenoch opposes this budget, she should let the country know why she opposes investments to reduce waiting lists, investments to recruit teachers and investments to build vital infrastructure. Labor has made its choice, now the Conservatives must too.
Mr Badenoch told the Sunday Telegraph after being elected on Saturday: “Labour will fail because they are repeating many of our mistakes and doubling down on this broken system.”
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