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2024 Election Live Updates: Trump and Harris make final election pitches on the eve of the election. Polls show VP leading in four swing states.

2024 Election Live Updates: Trump and Harris make final election pitches on the eve of the election. Polls show VP leading in four swing states.


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Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are scheduled to deliver their final speeches to voters on Monday, the final day of campaigning before Election Day begins.

The Vice President will join celebrities Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Ricky Martin and The Roots in Philadelphia this evening, with Katy Perry and Christina Aguilera supporting her in Pittsburgh and Las Vegas, while President Trump will also be seen in a pivotal race in Pennsylvania. We plan to hold a rally focusing on the condition. It is closing in Reading and Pittsburgh and in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The Republican candidate on Sunday predicted he would win in a landslide, but warned at his third and final rally of the day in Macon, Georgia, that his second term will be tough.

President Trump has already spoken in Kinston, North Carolina, and Lititz, Pennsylvania, sparking controversy at the latter event by saying he should not have left the White House after losing to Joe Biden in 2020 and joking about journalists getting shot. woke up

Meanwhile, the Harris campaign is cheering the news that the final New York Times/Siena College poll showed the candidate taking narrow leads in several key swing states, winning in Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Key PointsShow Latest Updates 1730715611Harris is leading in four swing states in respected late polls.

The Harris campaign is cheering the news that the final New York Times/Siena College poll showed her candidate with narrow leads in several key swing states, winning Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Harris leads Trump by 49 points, 46th in Nevada, 48-46 in North Carolina, 49-47 in Wisconsin, and 48-47 in Georgia.

Meanwhile, Trump is projected to have a 49-45 lead in Arizona, and perhaps most painfully, the two candidates are still deadlocked in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Here is the latest poll from data correspondent Alicja Hagopian.

Joe SommerladNovember 4, 2024 10:20

1730714411Celebrities including Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Katy Perry, and Christina Aguilera participated in the Harris campaign on the last day.

Harris's campaign, which has already enlisted the likes of Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Jennifer Lopez and Cardi B to appear at her events, is set for a big win on Monday am.

Tonight's final event of Kamala's campaign season in Philadelphia will see Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Ricky Martin, The Roots, Fat Joe, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Cassidy, Jazmine Sullivan and Adam Blackstone join her on stage. Famous faces coming out to support her today.

Katy Perry, D-Nice and Andra Day are all scheduled to perform in Pittsburgh.

Meanwhile, in Harrisburg that same week, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and legendary actors Robert De Niro and Sam Waterston will participate in the New Way Forward Get-Out-The-Vote rally.

In Las Vegas, Christina Aguilera, Los Tigres Del Norte and SOFI TUKKER will take the stage and actress Eva Longoria will speak.

Actors and advocates Dul Hill and Rosario Dawson will likewise be launching canvases across Las Vegas.

In Detroit, Tim Walz and Gwen Walz will be supported by musical performances by the Detroit Youth Choir, Jon Bon Jovi and The War and Treaty.

And in Atlanta, a massive Election Eve conversion event is underway featuring 2 Chainz, FLY, Joy of Jesse & Joy, Keyshia Cole, KP The Great, Morehouse House of Funk Marching Band, Pastor Troy and Tamar Braxton.

Lady Gaga (Gareth Cattermole/Getty)

Joe SommerladNovember 4, 2024 10:00

1730712611Where are Harris and Trump campaigning on Monday?

This is where today's candidates spend their final hours of campaigning.

Kamala Harris will focus her remaining energies on Pennsylvania today, with appearances in Allentown, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, along with a slew of other big names. Donald Trump plans to start the day with an event. He spoke in Raleigh, North Carolina, followed by speeches in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, before concluding with a late evening finish in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Harris' running mate, Tim Walz, will play lacrosse for Stevens after starting the day in St. Paul, Minnesota. Trump's running mate, JD Vance, is scheduled to wrap up his campaign in Flint, Michigan, Atlanta, Georgia and Newtown, Pennsylvania, while Point and Milwaukee are in Wisconsin. A second gentleman, Doug Emhoff, will also be marching, speaking at the campaign launch in Greenville. Before joining my wife for the final two events in North Carolina, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Joe SommerladNovember 4, 2024 09:30

A tired Trump promised a landslide victory but said his second term could turn unpleasant

Donald Trump concluded his third rally in three states on Sunday with an evening event in Macon, Georgia.

But the Republican candidate appeared completely shattered, promising a landslide victory tomorrow night but warning that a belated second term would be a little unpleasant at times, especially early on.

His audience certainly didn't seem fixed.

Trump's exhaustion is somewhat understandable given the grueling campaign schedule he has committed to in recent months.

The man is 78 years old, making him the oldest person to run for president in U.S. history.

But given that he has so often attacked political opponents for low energy in the past, his apparent fatigue is worth noting, especially since he is now asking voters to return him to the top job for another four years. there is.

Joe SommerladNovember 4, 2024 09:00

1730705400FCC commissioner claims Harris' SNL appearance violated same-time rules.

The FCC commissioner criticized Harris' appearance on Saturday Night Live, claiming it violated same-time rules.

These rules require that competing candidates be treated equally by broadcasters for equal air time.

Commissioner Brendan Carr shared his reaction to X.

Michelle Del ReyNovember 4, 2024 07:30

1730701800Trump accuses enemies of producing fake Iowa polls.

Trump reacted to an Iowa poll that showed him leading Kamala Harris by 3 points.

He accused his opponents of conducting fake polls.

One of my enemies just got the polls down by three, he said. I'm not in Iowa, he said. He said I was in Iowa. I don't think so.

What makes a good poll? Emerson, not my friend, said the polls were wrong.

Trump led Harris by 3 points, he said, referring to the Des Moines Register newspaper, which published a poll last Saturday.

Meanwhile, an Emerson College poll gave Trump a 10-point lead in Iowa.

Read the report below to find out the facts.

Michelle Del ReyNovember 4, 2024 06:30

1730698200Trump leads to crowd size at Harris debate.

Trump went from complaining about his Sept. 10 debate with Kamala Harris to criticizing cracks in the bulletproof glass in front of him to discussing crowd sizes at his rallies.

Trump said there is never an empty seat in my debates. And no one leaves early. No one left early.

President Trump speaks at a rally in Pennsylvania (AP)

Michelle Del ReyNovember 4, 2024 05:30

In the photo: Harris speaks to customers at Chicken & Waffles restaurant.

Harris spoke with guests at Kuzzos Chicken & Waffles restaurant in Detroit, Michigan.

Kamala Harris campaign at Kuzzos Chicken & Waffles restaurant (AFP via Getty Images) Kamala Harris greets a woman at Kuzzos Chicken & Waffles restaurant in Detroit (REUTERS)

Michelle Del ReyNovember 4, 2024 05:00

1730694643ICYMI: Summary of Trump's first rally speech

While we wait for Trump's second rally to begin in Kinston, North Carolina, here's a reminder of what he said in case you missed the first rally in Pennsylvania:

In his first two-hour speech in Lititz Borough, Trump delivered a profane, conspiratorial speech in which he mused about getting shot by reporters and branding Democrats as demons.

After a gunman nearly assassinated him at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July, Trump spoke about where he saw opportunity, citing the ballistic glass placed in front of him at the event.

Trump also called his former national security adviser and now harsh critic John Bolton a stupid son of a bitch. And he repeated familiar and debunked theories about voter fraud, insisting that Democrats can only win through fraud.

“It’s a crooked country,” Trump said. And I was going to make it straight. We were going to make it straight.

Michelle Del ReyNovember 4, 2024 04:30

1730692835Harris crushes Trump in Iowa – poll

Kamala Harris has surpassed Donald Trump in a new poll in Iowa, a state Trump won easily in 2016 and 2020.

The surprising turnaround in the Selzer poll, conducted for the Des Moines Register newspaper and released Saturday, is among women and older voters.

The poll of 808 voters conducted Oct. 28-31 found Harris ahead of Trump 47%-44% in a state that has leaned heavily Republican in recent years. The newspaper reported that although the margin of error was within 3.4 percentage points, it was a reversal from the September Iowa poll in which President Trump was ahead by 4 percentage points.

However, an Emerson College Poll/RealClearDefense poll of similar numbers of voters on November 1 and 2 showed completely different results, with Trump leading Harris by 10 points.

This opinion poll also has a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points. According to an Emerson College survey, Trump had an overwhelming lead over Harris among men and independents, while Harris performed well among those under 30.

Michelle Del ReyNovember 4, 2024 04:00




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