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Written statement: UK Tobacco and Vape Bill (5 November 2024)

Written statement: UK Tobacco and Vape Bill (5 November 2024)


Today, the Tobacco and Vape Bill was introduced into the UK Parliament. A previous version of the bill was tabled by the last UK government on 20 March, but progress was halted when parliament was dissolved on 30 May ahead of a general election.

Like its predecessor, the new bill seeks to change the sales age for all tobacco products, cigarette papers and herbal smoking products, ensuring that anyone born after January 1, 2009 will never be able to legally purchase these products. It will also become illegal to purchase these products on behalf of a child, and warning notices in retail stores will change. The provisions of the Bill apply throughout Wales and England.

The legislation has been strengthened and restrictions on selling vapes to under 18s now also include non-nicotine vapes and other nicotine products. There are also provisions prohibiting free distribution of vapes for promotional purposes.

This bill proposes to introduce regulatory-making authority to limit flavors, point-of-sale labeling, and packaging for vaping products (nicotine and non-nicotine) and other consumer nicotine products.

This new version of the law strengthens the law to prevent vapes and other nicotine products from being intentionally branded and advertised to children. The bill introduces a ban on vape vending machines and powers for Welsh Ministers to create e-cigarette and heated tobacco-free venues by extending existing smoking ban restrictions to include vaping and heated tobacco products.

The Bill includes provisions for a retail licensing scheme in Wales for the sale of tobacco products, herbal smoking products, cigarette papers, vaping or nicotine products. Other provisions include a ban on oral tobacco products and strengthening enforcement procedures, including fixed penalty notices for a wider range of offences. There are also provisions restricting advertising and sponsorship for a wider range of products, including vaping and nicotine products.

Once the Bill becomes law, we will work closely with our partners in Wales and across the UK to advance possible measures.

Separately from the UK Tobacco and Vape Bill, Wales is committed to ban disposable vapes in an effort to reduce environmental impact and support a circular economy. We will work closely with the UK Government and governments to adjust the effective date of 1 June 2025.

I am committed to taking all necessary steps to tackle the health impacts of tobacco and am determined to do everything I can to prevent young people using vapes in Wales.

A legislative memorandum of consent will be prepared in due course as the Bill makes provision for devolved matters relating to Wales. I expect lawmakers to carefully review the bill and hear from all partners in the legislative process.

Tobacco and Vapes Act 2024: Creating a Smoke-Free Generation and Addressing Youth Vaping Problems




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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