Vodafone & Threes response to CMA Remedies Action Report

The parties welcome the CMA's recognition that the significant improvements in network quality delivered through the Joint Network Plan will stimulate competition between mobile network operators in the long term and benefit the millions of people who rely on mobile services.
Vodafone and Three (Parties) note the CMA's announcement that it will issue a remedies working paper for final consultation.
This document follows 18 months of extensive engagement between the CMA and the parties, including detailed evidence submissions highlighting the pro-growth, pro-customer and pro-competitive benefits of the merger.
The parties welcome the CMA's recognition that the significant improvements in network quality delivered through the Joint Network Plan will stimulate competition between mobile network operators in the long term and benefit the millions of people who rely on mobile services.
This merger is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the UK's digital infrastructure, which has lagged far behind its European peers, and ensure that more than 50 million UK customers will benefit from a much better mobile experience.
Vodafone and Three should study their working reports in detail. Based on what the CMA has communicated so far, the company believes it provides a path to final clearance.
The right balance appears to have been struck by addressing the concerns noted by the CMA, while also ensuring that the significant benefits from the combined company's investment are fully and quickly realized in the interests of the country and its citizens. However, it is important to maintain a balance towards the end of the process, reflecting that the parties have provided a wide range of remedies, including making future network launches fully enforceable.
This merger will be a catalyst for positive change. This will bring significant benefits to businesses and consumers across the UK, bringing advanced 5G to every school and hospital across the country. The merger is also closely aligned with the government's mission to stimulate growth and encourage more private investment in the UK. As the Government recognizes, the future prosperity and technological advancement of all countries will be underpinned by world-class connectivity, and high-quality digital networks are pivotal to this.
The CMA's final decision on the merger is expected to be made on or before December 7. Vodafone UK and Three UK will continue to work actively with the CMA to resolve any outstanding issues and secure approval.
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1 Access to fast, secure, and reliable digital connectivity is essential to enable economic growth and unlock transformative productivity benefits through digitalization and adoption of AI. Continued investment will be needed to achieve our ambitious targets to deliver gigabit broadband services across the UK and standalone 5G in every populated area by 2030 (Invest 2035: Britain’s Modern Industrial Strategy, October 2024).
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