4 UK stocks soared after Trump was elected!

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Most UK stocks in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 rose on Wednesday (6 November) as US election results predicted a victory for former President Donald Trump. In fact, stocks rose globally, with some exceptions, including China.
So why do they come to mind? Well, the stock and bond markets are somewhat betting on the possibility of a Trump victory, the so-called Trump Trade. But now that victory seems certain, the market is now fully pricing in that win and selling Harris Hedge.
Broadly speaking, analysts have suggested that Trump's proposed deregulation of economic policies, tax cuts, promise to end the war in Ukraine and lower energy prices would help stocks and be better than Harris's.
So, let's take a closer look at four stocks that are moving after the election.
Ferrexpo: The biggest change
Ferrexpo (LSE:FXPO) is a Ukraine-focused mining company. This was covered a lot when the war began two years ago, but as the war continued, interest in iron ore producers waned.
But shares have risen 21% since trading began Wednesday, making up for gains earlier in the week. A plausible explanation is that Trump claimed he could end the war in Ukraine.
No one knows whether a deal is actually possible or what Trump's proposed deal would look like. But an end to the conflict would be a good thing for miners and companies like Ferrexpo.
The business survived throughout the war, but not without serious difficulties. Ferexpo has about 700 employees serving in the Ukrainian military, and to make matters worse, iron ore prices have recently fallen to their lowest level since 2022.
Nonetheless, the company suggested that proposed stimulus in China could support iron ore prices, from which China imports most of the world's iron.
Bank of Georgia: It's political.
Georgian banks are up 5% as I write SH. Stock prices have been volatile in recent weeks as the country holds long-awaited, contested elections. Georgia's election was won despite allegations of corruption by the incumbent Georgia Dream party.
So why are stocks rising? Well, the Georgian Dream party was too close to Moscow for many people in the West. It is therefore possible that Georgia could benefit from improved relations between Washington and Moscow.
Banks generally reflect the health of the economy, which is probably why Georgia bank stocks are up.
Argo Blockchain: Bitcoin Mining
Argo Blockchain is a UK-listed cryptocurrency mining company. The stock was up 17% in morning trading on Nov. 6. Cryptocurrency investors are betting on a more favorable regulatory environment under Trump, which could potentially benefit companies like Argo Blockchain. The broader cryptocurrency market also rallied on the news.
BAE Systems: Focus on defense
Once the war in Ukraine ends, stocks donated to Ukraine by Western countries will need to be replenished, but demand for munitions and weapons may decline significantly in the short term.
But Trump has promised to make America's NATO allies pay for their own defense. And this will see European countries commit to long-term defense programmes. One of the beneficiaries of this is BAE Systems, Europe's largest defense company.
Shares rose 5% in morning trading.
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