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British Music Business Awards 2024: All Winners

British Music Business Awards 2024: All Winners


The Music Business UK Awards took place last night (5 November) at the Grand Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden, London.

Hosted by MBW in collaboration with YouTube, the UK-centric event recognized and celebrated arts and industry talent in a variety of fields including songwriting, production, record labels, music publishers and talent management.

It all started with a new award introduced in 2024: the International Executive of The Year Award. The award celebrates the 30-year career of Jon Platt, Chairman and CEO of Sony Music Publishing, and was presented to Platt on stage by British songwriter and producer MNEK. .

Meanwhile, the prestigious Sir George Martin Award went to Ed Sheeran's Max Lousada on stage.

Other big awards of the night included Songwriter of the Year and Producer of the Year, won by Finn Keane and AG Cook respectively.

Meanwhile, the Icon of the Year Award went to Jeremy Lascelles of Blue Raincoat, presented by accomplished singer-songwriter David Gray himself.

Elsewhere, Publisher of the Year (the 'major' publisher category) went to Sony Music Publishing, while the award for artist/record service company, which only judges UK-signed independent projects created by nominees, went to The Orchard.

September Management was named Artist Management Company of the Year (whose success over the past 12 months includes breakthroughs for Adele and Artemas in Munich), while Alex Gibson and Oliver Sasse (Fred Again..) won individual Director of the Year honors. All On Red won Songwriter/Producer Management Company of the Year.

Artist Lawyer of the Year, presented to a UK-based individual in recognition of providing vital direct service to talent at home and around the world, went to Mark Krais, Bray & Krais.

In addition to headline partner YouTube, sponsors of this year's awards include Hipgnosis, Milk & Honey, PPL, PRS For Music, Spotify, TikTok, Vevo and Chorus.

More reports are coming soon. For now, all the winners are here.

International Executive of the Year

john flat

Sir George Martin Award.

Max Rusada

Producer of the Year

AG Cook

Songwriter of the Year, supported by Hipgnosis.

Find Kin

A&R Manager Award – Powered by PPL.

Nicola Fairchild

A&R of the Year – Adult Contemporary.

Glyn Akins, Joe Edison, Ricky Bleu

A&R Electronic/Dance of the Year

Anton Powers

Pop A&R of the Year, Powered by PRS For Music.

ed howard

A&R of the Year, Contemporary Black Music Powered by Spotify

Frey Crooks

A&R of the Year, Alternative Music.

Sarah Gabrielli

Icon Award.

Jeremy Lascelles

TrailBlazer: Richard Antwi Award

Rebecca Dixon

Composer/producer management company

All on red

Personal Manager of the Year Award Powered by TikTok.

Alex Gibson & Oliver Sasse

Artist Management Company Award, also known as the David Enthoven Award, with support from Chorus TM.

September Management

Artist Lawyer of the Year

Mark Kreis, Bray & Kreis

Independent Publisher of the Year

Stella Song/Tim & Danny Music

Publisher of the Year, sponsored by Milk & Honey.

Sony Music Publishing UK

Artist/Label Service Company


Label A&R of the Year Award

EGA distribution

Major Label Awards Powered by Vevo

Island Records UKMusic Business Worldwide




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