Britain sanctions Russian military officer accused of Salisbury Novichok poisoning amid Kremlin crackdown | political news

Britain has sanctioned a Russian military officer accused of helping poison former double agent Sergei Skripal from Salisbury to Novichok.
The Foreign Ministry imposed 56 new sanctions against people and entities linked to Russia, including the Wagner mercenary group, which operates unofficially on behalf of President Vladimir Putin, and companies based in China, Turkey and Central Asia that supply parts to Russia. .
Denis Sergeev, accused by the Metropolitan Police of attempted murder of double agent Skripal, was sanctioned under the chemical weapons sanctions regime.
The timing of the sanctions is understood to be aimed at showing a message of unity with European leaders at a summit in Ukraine this week.
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“Sergeev supported the preparation and use of the chemical weapon Novichok in Salisbury and provided a coordinating role in London on the weekend of the attack,” the Foreign Office said.
Image: Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were addicted to novichok. Photo: Shutterstock
Skripal and his daughter Julia were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury, Wiltshire, in March 2018.
Police said he had applied the nerve agent Novichok to the front door of his home.
Three Russians, whom police said were GRU military intelligence officers, were charged in absentia in connection with the incident.
Sergeyev was last charged after police said he had been acting under the pseudonym Sergey Fedotov.
Image: Dawn Sturgess died after picking up a sample bottle of perfume containing Novichok.
The public inquiry into the death of Dawn Sturgess, the woman who was unwittingly murdered after discovering a sample bottle of perfume containing Novichok, heard Mr Skripal believed Mr Putin had ordered the attack on him. Yes.
Moscow has repeatedly rejected British accusations that the Kremlin was involved.
The investigation found that the amount of Novichok contained in the perfume bottle was enough to kill thousands of people.
The latest round of sanctions also included companies supplying Russia with military equipment used in the war against Ukraine.
Ten companies based in China and a handful from Turkey, Estonia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are on the list that supply and produce machine tools, microelectronics and components for drones used by Russia in Ukraine.
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Russia-based mercenary groups linked to the Kremlin and operating in sub-Saharan Africa are also included in the list.
The Foreign Office said they were threatening peace and security in Libya, Mali and the Central African Republic and were committing widespread human rights abuses across Africa.
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Foreign Secretary David Lammy said: “Today's action will continue to press the Kremlin's corrosive foreign policy, undermine Russia's attempts to foment instability across Africa and disrupt the supply of vital equipment to President Putin's war machine.” He said.
“And disrupt the illicit international networks that Russia has worked so hard to build.
“President Putin thought that barely 1,000 days into the war, he would fail and I would continue to pressure the Kremlin and support the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom.”
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