Approved weight-loss drug contributed to UK nurse's death, report says | health

A weight loss drug recently approved for use on the NHS contributed to the death of a 58-year-old nurse from North Lanarkshire, according to a report.
The BBC reported that Susan McGowan received two low-dose injections of tirzepatide under the Mounjaro brand in the two weeks before her death on September 4.
Her death certificate, seen by the broadcaster, lists multiple organ failure, septic shock and pancreatitis as the immediate causes of death, but also lists prescribed use of tirzepatide as a contributing factor.
McGowan worked as a nurse at University Hospital Monklands in Airdrie for more than 30 years.
According to the BBC, McGowan purchased a prescription for Mounjaro through an online pharmacy after researching the drug and seeking medical advice.
The drug costs 150-200 for a 4-week supply and is available from all registered pharmacies in the UK.
McGowan began experiencing severe abdominal pain and illness after receiving her second injection, leading her to an accident and emergency at Monklands, where colleagues attempted to save her.
Lilly, the maker of Mounjaro, said patient safety is the company's top priority.
A spokesperson told the BBC: We are committed to continuously monitoring, evaluating and reporting safety information for all Lilly medicines.
Mounjaro's approval is based on an extensive assessment of the benefits and risks of the medicines, and we provide information on the benefits and risks of all our medicines to regulatory agencies around the world to ensure that prescribers have access to the most up-to-date information.
Tirzepatide was approved for use as a weight loss supplement by the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in 2023.
Dr Allison Cave, the MHRA's chief safety officer, told the BBC: We offer our sincere condolences to the family of the individual involved. Patient safety is our top priority and no medicine is approved unless it meets the safety, quality and effectiveness standards we expect.
We have a robust safety monitoring and surveillance system in place for all of our medical products. Based on current evidence, the benefits of GLP-1 RAs include: [the class of medications that includes Mounjaro] The potential risks outweigh the risks when used for the approved indications.
Ministers recently announced plans to potentially roll out Tirzepatid to help unemployed people return to work. We are working with Lilly to run a five-year trial in Greater Manchester where 3,000 people are expected to receive the jab.
McGowan's niece, Jade Campbell, joined her at the time of her death and told the BBC she did not think now was the right time for a trial and hoped the British government would reconsider its decision.
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