In a hurry to leave the United States? Here are 3 countries you can move to today

Arriving in Belize is the first step to starting a new life here.
Faced with high political tensions, many people are currently considering leaving the United States. Google searches for how to move abroad are booming. On election night, searches for how to move to Canada saw a 400% daily increase.
Although current research may be driven by political concerns, the concept of going abroad has been gaining popularity for years. From 2019 to 2023, Henley & Partners saw a 504% increase in the number of Americans seeking a second passport and/or alternative residency abroad.
More and more people understand that better lifestyle and investment opportunities can be found beyond the borders of the United States. I've been advising on this idea for over 30 years, but I don't just write about it. I experience it myself.
I made my first international move in 1998, leaving the United States for Ireland. Since then, I have also lived full-time in Paris and Panama, where I currently reside, and have traveled to 75 countries. I have a lot of first-hand experience when it comes to starting life in a new country.
Normally, I advise prospective expats to start researching their options and planning their move abroad with a lot of forethought. But many Americans may not feel like they have the luxury of time needed right now.
The good news is that there are a handful of countries you can move to without having done any planning. In some cases, you can simply book a plane ticket or drive and start living there legally, filing your residency application after you arrive (rather than at that country's consulate in the United States).
If you're looking to leave the United States before Inauguration Day due to rising tensions and quickly get started in a new country, here are your three best options.
BelizeAn English-speaking haven with Caribbean charm How to settle in Belize:
Belize may be the best place in the world to get away from it all. An American can travel here without a visa and stay 30 days as a tourist. To stay long-term, simply go to the nearest Belize Immigration and Nationality Department and pay 200 Belize dollars ($100). This gives you an additional 30 days in Belize. If you continue to extend your stay for one year without leaving the country for more than 14 days, you can apply for permanent residency in Belize.
Belize is a great place to settle down not only because of its easy path to permanent residency. It is a great place to live and is highly sought after for its warm tropical climate, beautiful scenery and friendly people.
Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America, making the transition to life here even easier for prospective expats. The locals are friendly, and large expat populations from the United States, Canada, and other countries are well established.
Belize has a long coastline along the Caribbean that rarely experiences hurricanes, allowing expats to make the most of the Key West lifestyle. Islands like Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker offer the best of laid-back Caribbean living. The surrounding waters are full of life thanks to the shelter provided by the Belize Barrier Reef, the second largest coral reef system in the world.
On land, Belize offers dense jungle, teeming with wildlife and punctuated here and there with ruins of the ancient Mayan empire. Mainland Belize is ideal for independent living, and its scattering of villages offers a back-to-basics rural appeal. It's the kind of place where the daily news headlines seem distant and unimportant.
Additionally, Belize uses a territorial taxation system. It only taxes residents on their locally sourced income, so expats can live here without a local tax burden depending on where their income comes from.
PanamaA coveted expat haven that uses the US dollar How to settle in Panama:
Panama is a great choice if you want to leave the United States in a hurry. To move here permanently, you will first need to gather important documents, including proof that you can support yourself financially and a criminal background check.
Then take a plane to Panama. You can stay for 90 days as a tourist, but to be admitted through immigration you may need proof of accommodation (such as a hotel reservation), proof of funds or a credit card and proof of onward travel (such as a return ticket). or a flight to another country, whether or not you intend to use it).
Once you are in Panama, you can begin the residency application process, choosing from the wide variety of visa options Panama offers.
For most people, the Panama retirement visa (the Pensionado visa) may be the easiest way to obtain residency quickly. To qualify, you must be at least 18 years old and receive a monthly income of at least $1,000. You must provide your criminal record check as well as a health certificate from a Panamanian doctor as part of your application. You must file your application in Panama with a local lawyer. If your application is approved, you will receive a permanent residence permit valid indefinitely.
Panama is an expat paradise, aside from its quick and easy residency options. Like Belize, it uses a territorial approach to taxation, so expats can live here without a local tax burden depending on the source of their income. The local currency is the US dollar, which simplifies relocation for American expats who don't have to worry about exchange rates or fund transfers.
It is economically stable thanks to the Panama Canal and its favorable tax policies have made Panama City a base for multinational companies from around the world. The capital is cosmopolitan and home to expatriates from diverse backgrounds. The culture is familiar to many Americans because of the former U.S. presence in the Panama Canal Zone.
Outside of Panama City, interior Panama has incredible biodiversity and natural beauty, including Caribbean and Pacific beaches, islands, volcanoes, jungles, rainforests, rivers, waterfalls, deserts and much more. Going to the beach, hiking in the highlands, or escaping to the white-sand islands of the Caribbean are some of the ways Panamanian expats spend their free time.
UruguayA safe, stable and unpretentious country with tax advantages How to settle in Uruguay:
You can start the process of moving to Uruguay by getting on a plane. As a tourist, you can stay here for up to 90 days without a visa. You can extend this period for an additional 90 days or take up residence with the Direccin Nacional de Migracin.
To apply for residency, you'll need to provide a handful of important documents, some of which you may need to prepare before leaving the United States. These include your birth certificate, criminal record, vaccination certificate, and proof of income (at least $1,500). per month). You will need additional documents as part of your application, such as a health card issued in Uruguay and a local address where you intend to stay.
After submitting your documents, you will receive a temporary resident identification card while your residency application is processed. When fully approved (which may take 18 months), you will receive a permanent ID card.
Uruguay may not be on the average American's radar, but it has a lot to offer. It is known as the Switzerland of South America due to its long-standing reputation for economic and political stability. Despite regional trends of political division, in Uruguay's general elections (held on October 27), two moderate candidates, in agreement on many issues, faced off. As political analyst Juan Cruz Daz said: “In a way, Uruguay was boring, but boring in that sense is fine.
Uruguay also offers tax benefits to its residents. Its tax system is essentially territorial, meaning that only locally-sourced income is subject to tax. The exception is foreign dividends and interest income, which are taxed at a flat rate of 12%.
The Uruguayan Budget Law of 2020 introduced new policies for tax residents that make the tax situation even more favorable for expats. New tax residents can apply for a 10-year tax exemption on their foreign income (including dividends and interest), or they can choose to have their foreign income taxed at a flat rate of 7% for the duration of their tax residency.
What else does Uruguay offer? It is famous for its beef production, its gaucho (cowboy) culture, its football and its vast, gently rolling prairies. Montevideo is its bustling capital. Nearby is Punta del Este, a resort town located along the country's beautiful Atlantic coast.
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