“No reason for this to happen”

The devastated father of an American nurse killed in Budapest is struggling to pull himself together after his alleged killer who met him at a nightclub confessed to the senseless crime.
Mackenzie “Kenzie” Michalski, 31, from Fredonia, New York, went missing after leaving a popular club with a stranger on November 5 – but a 37-year-old Irish man confessed to the murder and led Hungarian police to to his corpse after disturbing it. Internet searches hinting at a murder, authorities announced Friday.
Dad Bill Michalski told The Associated Press he was “still overcome with emotion” during a candlelight vigil for his daughter on Saturday.
Nurse practitioner “Kenzie” Michalski was murdered while visiting Budapest, Hungary. WKBWTV
“There was no reason for this to happen,” he said. “I’m still trying to understand what happened…I don’t know if I ever will.”
When Kenzie Michalski never returned to her Airbnb, panicked family members turned to Facebook and GoFundMe to mobilize search efforts for the missing tourist.
“She is probably in danger,” organizers wrote on GoFundMe about the nurse, who had moved from the Empire State to Portland, Oregon in 2021, according to local reports.
Hungarian police recovered Michalski's remains and confirmed his death three days later, after the fundraiser brought in more than $30,000.
Michalski was a Western New York native, originally from Fredonia, New York. She worked in Buffalo before moving to Portland, Oregon. WKBWTV
Police only identified the suspect by the initials “LTM” and have not released a motive or details about the killing.
But LTM told authorities that Michalski's death was an accident during an “intimate encounter.” The strangers danced at the club before returning to the man's rental apartment, investigators said.
LTM's chilling internet searches included how to dispose of a body, whether pigs actually eat corpses, whether wild boars were present near Lake Balaton and police procedures for missing people, said those responsible.
The suspect allegedly tried to cover up the crime by mercilessly hiding the nurse's body in a cabinet before putting her remains in a suitcase.
'Beautiful and compassionate' Loved ones remember Western New York native killed in Hungary. WKBWTV
The suspected killer then drove 90 miles southwest to Lake Balaton in a rental car and dumped Kenzie Michalski's body, authorities say.
Kenzie Michalski had taken a trip through Europe with her friend Gretchen Tower, but the couple split when Tower left for Italy while the nurse planned one more evening in Budapest, the grieving friend said at WKBW.
Michalski was a neurosurgical nurse practitioner who previously worked at Buffalo General Medical Center. She earned her nursing degree from Daemon University in Amherst, New York, according to her Linkedin profile.
Michalski's family and friends are mourning the heartbreaking loss in a Facebook group, asking for privacy.
We are grateful that Kenzie's soul is now at peace. Her memory and legacy will live on in the hearts of all those she touched, the nurse's family and friends wrote on Facebook. WKBWTV
We are grateful that Kenzie's soul is now at peace. Her memory and legacy will live on in the hearts of all those she touched, those close to her wrote in a group message.
To understand Kenzie's mind is to wholeheartedly embrace the vast joy and wonder of life. Her wish for the world: to fully embrace the present moment, be your authentic self, practice kindness, and always walk in the light.
With post wires
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