Biden administration plans to triple US nuclear capacity by 2050

Listen to the article 5 min This audio is generated automatically. Please let us know if you have any comments. Dive Brief: The Biden-Harris administration on Tuesday outlined a roadmap to at least triple U.S. nuclear power generation capacity by 2050 by deploying 200 GW of net new capacity from newly built reactors, in restarting inactive reactors for economic reasons and increasing the power of energy production equipment in existing nuclear power plants. The detailed plan envisions 35 GW of new nuclear capacity in operation or under construction in the United States by 2035, as the industry accelerates to a sustained deployment pace of 15 GW per year by 2040. The plan highlights the extraordinary support for nuclear energy from the Biden administration and bipartisan lawmakers, while handing the new administration a road map of what needs to be achieved with existing tools, they said. said Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, global energy industry leader and partner, Elina Teplinsky, who participated in the roadmap's stakeholder engagement process. Dive overview:
Last year, the United States was among 25 signatories to the Triple Nuclear Energy Declaration, an ambitious goal to triple global nuclear energy production from 2020 to 2050.
The Biden-Harris Administration's Triple Nuclear Energy Declaration and roadmap specifically reference the goal of achieving a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. The president-elect's official campaign policy platform Donald Trump has promised to unleash energy production from all sources, including nuclear power. , but makes no mention of a net zero emissions target for 2050.
Although his first administration largely supported the nuclear industry, Trump has not publicly commented on the new framework.
The framework is essentially a collection of ongoing programs and actions based on existing authorities, combined with a roadmap of actions needed to achieve the objectives. [but] does not identify existing gaps or make suggestions for new tools, Teplinsky said. That will be left to the new administration.
Critics of the U.S. nuclear industry were quick to voice their opposition to the road map.
Environment America Executive Director Lisa Frank said in a statement that the plan risks toxic meltdowns, destroyed landscapes and contaminated drinking water. U.S. PIRG Energy and Utilities Program Director Abe Scarr in a separate statement called nuclear power dangerous, expensive and a distraction from cheaper, safer options like solar power and said his expansion [waste] time and resources.
The Biden-Harris Roadmap builds on existing efforts by the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Department of Defense and other agencies by outlining actions the U.S. government can take, in the framework of existing statutory authorities to develop nuclear energy, in collaboration with the private sector. of the sector and electricity customers, the administration announced Tuesday.
The roadmap aims to increase U.S. nuclear capacity through the construction of new large gigawatt-scale reactors, small modular reactors with individual power generation capacities between 50 MW and 500 MW, and micro reactors producing 50 MWe each or less. It also plans to expand and expand existing reactors, through license renewals, power increases and restarting recently decommissioned reactors.
Other pillars of the roadmap include improved licensing and permitting, workforce development, supply chain development for nuclear fuel and reactor components as well as management of spent fuel. This year's landmark legislation, Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act, authorized new funding and imposed various official measures or actions to streamline NRC permitting processes, establish new domestic nuclear fuel supplies and expand the U.S. nuclear workforce.
Experts say resuming reactor operations is likely only feasible at a handful of recently decommissioned U.S. nuclear plants, including the 601-MW Duane Arnold Nuclear Power Plant in Iowa. Holtec International's 800 MW Palisades plant is still on track to restart in Michigan next fall, while Constellation Energy recently announced plans to restart the first 835 MW unit at Three Mile Island by 2028 in Pennsylvania.
The roadmap indicates that existing nuclear power plant sites offer a significant potential deployment path for new large reactors. Existing nuclear sites could accommodate up to 60 GW of new large reactor capacity and up to 95 GW of capacity from advanced small reactors, the DOE said in a September report.
Additionally, the retired coal plant sites examined in the report could accommodate up to 174 GW of additional new reactor capacity, the DOE said.
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