UK doubles support for Sudan and neighboring countries as they face worst humanitarian crisis in a decade

Britain announces significant $113 million increase in aid for Sudanese people and those fleeing to neighboring countries Foreign Secretary will keep Adre border crossing open indefinitely and call for immediate action to end violence UN Security Council resolution Draft submitted for the protection of civilians and unrestricted delivery of aid.
today [Sunday 17 November] The UK has announced a support package that will support more than a million people affected by Sudan's devastating war and provide vital support to those in need.
The new $113 million support package, which doubles the UK's support commitment to Sudan and the region this year, will help more than 600,000 people in Sudan and more than 700,000 people in neighboring countries fleeing conflict, including Chad and South Sudan. will support.
The Foreign Minister is visiting the UN Security Council tomorrow. [Monday 18 November]He will ask the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) to keep the vital Adre border crossing open indefinitely and lift restrictions limiting the amount of aid delivered. The Foreign Secretary will also call on the SAF and Rapid Support Forces to stop blocking aid convoys.
After 18 months of violent conflict, Sudan is facing its worst humanitarian crisis in a decade, with more than half a million people in Darfur suffering from famine. More than 11 million people have become refugees, 25 million are in dire need of assistance, and widespread famine is likely.
The new funding package announced today will support UN and NGO partners providing food, cash, shelter, medical assistance, water and sanitation.
This support is not only much needed, it will help people stay in their home communities and return home when circumstances allow.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy said:
Sudan's brutal civil war has brought unimaginable suffering. The Sudanese people need more support. That's why the UK is helping to provide much-needed food, shelter and education to the most vulnerable people.
But aid cannot be delivered without access. Hunger must not be used as a weapon of war, and it can only be stopped if all border crossings and routes are open, accessible and safe.
As the UN Security Council's lead official on Sudan, I will meet the British Presidency on Monday to call for a resolution to ensure the protection of civilians and the delivery of unrestricted aid.
Britain will never forget Sudan.
At the United Nations, the Foreign Secretary will bring together international partners to lead discussions on measures to push warring parties to remove obstacles to humanitarian access.
Humanitarian workers are facing serious challenges in delivering aid to those most in need, with aid workers killed, access blocked by warring parties, and UN workers unable to move freely. The Adre border crossing reopened in August and provides a vital lifeline for aid to be delivered from Chad to Darfur.
Development Minister Anneliese Dodds said:
When I visited South Sudan last August, I witnessed firsthand the heartbreaking impact violence has on people fleeing conflict.
Sudan's humanitarian crisis is worsening. Famine and disease are spreading, and more people will be in desperate need of help in the coming year.
We must act now to prevent further suffering. The support announced today will reach more than one million people, providing food to some of those most in need and helping neighboring countries continue to host refugees.
Britain has also introduced a new UN Security Council resolution pressuring Sudan's military and the Rapid Support Forces to protect civilians, enforce a ceasefire and allow safe passage of aid.
On August 22, UK Development Secretary Anneliese Dodds announced 15 million people to support people fleeing violence in Sudan, including those who have moved to South Sudan and Chad.
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