The Pentagon's UFO office testifies before the US Senate on November 19. Watch it live here (video)

Watch live! Pentagon UFO Office Testifies Before Senate Emerging Threats Committee – YouTube Watch On
A US Senate subcommittee will hear from the Pentagon's UFO office tomorrow, and you can watch live.
Director Jon T. Kosloski of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO, will testify before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities on Tuesday, November 19 beginning at 4:30 p.m. ET (9:30 p.m. GMT). A closed session closed to the public will take place before the public session, starting at 3:15 p.m. ET (2015 GMT).
You can watch the hearing live on, courtesy of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
AARO logo in front of the Pentagon. The AARO's Latin motto roughly translates to “the universe changes/our life is what our thoughts make it.” (Image credit: AARO/Wikimedia Commons)
The Department of Defense created the AARO in July 2022 to serve as a “focal point for all UAP and UAP-related activities and may represent the department for such activities,” the Pentagon said in a statement at the time. .
AARO has already released its 2024 report, which covers UFO sightings (or UAPs, as they are now called) between May 1, 2023 and June 1, 2024 as well as “all UAP reports from all previous periods that have not not been included.” in a previous report.”
The document states that AARO received a total of 757 case reports during the period, of which 485 fell within the reporting deadline. Of those cases, 118 have been resolved and another 174 are expected to be closed pending a final review.
Yet many cases remain unresolved and DAARO continues to investigate them. However, the report notes that “AARO has discovered no evidence of extraterrestrial beings, activities, or technologies.”
The office's previous report, published in January 2023, reached similar conclusions.
The AARO also concluded in the report that it had “no indication or confirmation” that the UFO reports were “attributable to foreign adversaries.”
AARO's latest findings may not please some members of the UFO/UAP community.
Indeed, last week, a quartet of high-profile witnesses — including a retired U.S. Navy rear admiral, a former NASA associate administrator and a former U.S. counterintelligence officer — told the House U.S. officials say a vast and long-running government conspiracy has served, for decades, to “hide from the American public the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos.”
We are “in the midst of a decades-long secret arms race – one funded by misallocated taxpayer dollars and hidden from our elected representatives and oversight bodies,” one of the witnesses said during the hearing.
AARO was specifically named as complicit in the cover-up during this hearing. “AARO is unable, or perhaps unwilling, to reveal the truth about the government's activities regarding UAPs,” said Rep. Nancy Mace (R-South Carolina) during opening remarks of the audience. “I'm troubled by AARO's lack of transparency; even its budget is hidden from the public. So if there's no 'there,' then why are we spending money on it? And how much? Why this secret?
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