Full list of school closures as snow and ice warning comes in for second day in England
November 20, 2024, 11:04 | Updated: November 20, 2024, 11:40
Schools across England were closed for two days. Photo: Alami
Dozens of schools across the UK have been closed for a second day due to snow.
A yellow weather warning for snow and ice has been issued for several parts of north and west Scotland from Wednesday morning until midday Thursday.
Widespread accumulations of 2 cm to 5 cm (up to 2 inches) are expected, with accumulations of 10 cm possible in parts of the northwestern mainland, and 15 cm to 20 cm (up to 7.8 inches) in higher elevations, the Met Office said. .
Meanwhile, the warning remains in place until noon on Wednesday for the eastern Midlands, eastern and north-east England, Yorkshire and south-west Scotland.
The Met Office warned that power outages could occur, untreated pavements and cycle paths could become impassable and some rural communities could be cut off.
There is also a risk of injury from slipping or falling on icy surfaces.
READ MORE: Met Office issues new warning about ice and snow as commuters brace for more travel disruption.
READ MORE: Britain braces for another round of snow chaos as new ice warning comes into effect amid fears of travel misfortune.
A Met Office spokesman said: “Rain, snow and ice will continue to be a potential risk through this week as the Arctic air mass continues to impact UK weather and cause ongoing disruption for some.”
“We currently have a number of weather warnings in place for snow and ice, with more expected today.
“We are watching a more organized band of rain and hill snow impacting the southwest through tomorrow as a larger system runs into the continent.
He continued, “As daytime temperatures drop below single digits, most people will feel very cold.
“Despite below average temperatures, there will be plenty of sunshine with no wintry showers near the coast.”
Full list of schools closed across the UK
Beacon Hill Academy, DudleyDormston School, DudleyJessons Primary School, DudleyBishop Milner, DudleyAlder Coppice Primary School, DudleyBridgtown Primary School (open for EYFS and Year 1, Y2 and KS2), StaffordshireHednesford Valley High School, StaffordshireSt. St. John's CE(VC) First School, Bishops Wood, StaffordshireWightwick Hall School, StaffordshireHalesowen CofE Primary SchoolAllscott Meads Primary School and NurseryBridge SchoolBuildwas AcademyCoalbrookdale & Ironbridge Primary SchoolDawley C of E Primary School (including kindergarten)Donnington Wood C of E Junior SchoolGrange Park Primary SchoolHaughton Special SchoolHoly Trinity AcademyFletcherJohn Madeley Primary SchoolJohn Randall Primary SchoolNewdale Primary SchoolPriorslee AcademyRandlay Primary SchoolSir Alexander Fleming Primary SchoolSouthall SchoolSt Georges C of E Primary SchoolSt Lawrence CE Primary SchoolSt Patricks Catholic Primary SchoolSt Peters C of E Primary SchoolTeagues Bridge Primary SchoolTelford Park School (Lakeside Academy)William Reynolds Primary SchoolOrion Academy, OxfordOldbury AcademyThe Phoenix Collegiate, BromwichWood Green, West Wednesbury Academy
Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog, DenbighshireYsgol Bro Famau Llanferres and Llanarmon-yn-Il, DenbighshireNannerch VC Primary School, FlintshireYsgol Terrig, FlintshireYsgol Rhos Helyg, FlintshireBrynhafren CP School, PowysBrynllywarch Hall School, PowysButtington/Trewern CP School, PowysForden C in W School. , PowysLlanidloes CP School , PowysLlanidloes High School, PowysNewtown High School – John Beddoes Campus, PowysNewtown High School – Newtown Campus, PowysWelshpool High School, PowysYsgol Bro Caereinion – Primary Campus, PowysYsgol Bro Caereinion – Secondary Campus, PowysYsgol Dyffryn Trannon, PowysYsgol Gymraeg y Trallweng, PowysYsgol Rhiw Bechan, Ronington Church in Wales Voluntary Support School, WrexhamBrynteg CP, WrexhamMinera Church in Wales, WrexhamPenygelli CP, WrexhamRhosnesni High School, WrexhamSt Mary's School Church in Wales, WrexhamThe Maelor School, WrexhamYsgol Bro Alun, WrexhamYsgol Bryn Tabor , WrexhamYsgol ID Hooson, WrexhamYsgol Llan-y-pwll, WrexhamYsgol Penrhyn, WrexhamYsgol Tanyfron, WrexhamYsgol Y Grango, Hamm.
The Granite City
Alford Academy, AberdeenshireAlford Primary School, AberdeenshireAuchterless School, AberdeenshireCrudie School, AberdeenshireDrumblade School, AberdeenshireGordon Schools, AberdeenshireKennethmont School, AberdeenshireLargue School, AberdeenshireRhynie School, AberdeenshireTowie School, AberdeenshireTurriff Academy, AberdeenshireAuchtertyre Primary, HighlandAuchtertyre Primary Nursery, HighlandBonar Bridge Primary, HighlandBroadford Primary, HighlandBroadford Primary Nursery – EM, HighlandBroadford Primary Nursery – GM, HighlandBun-Sgoil Shlite, HighlandCarbost Primary, HighlandCarbost Primary Nursery, HighlandDunvegan Primary, HighlandDunvegan Primary Nursery, HighlandEdinbane Primary, HighlandGledfield Primary School, HighlandGlenelg Primary School, HighlandGlenelg Primary School Nursery, HighlandGolspie High School, HighlandKilmuir Primary School, HighlandKilmuir Primary School Nursery, HighlandKyle Primary School, HighlandKyle Primary School Nursery, HighlandKyleakin Primary School, HighlandKyleakin Primary School Nursery, HighlandLairg Primary School, HighlandLairg Primary School Nursery, HighlandLoch Duich Primary School, HighlandLochcarron Nursery EM, HighlandLochcarron Primary School, HighlandLochinver Early Learning and Care, HighlandLochinver Primary School, HighlandMacdiarmid Primary School, HighlandMacdiarmid Primary School Nursery, HighlandPlockton High School, HighlandPlockton Primary School, HighlandPlockton Primary School Nursery – GM, HighlandPortree Primary School, HighlandRogart Primary School, HighlandRogart Primary School Nursery, HighlandRosehall Primary School, HighlandStaffin Primary School, HighlandStaffin Primary Fish Farm, Highland
Northern Ireland
Holy Evangelist, Belfast
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