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What's happening to the drone found over the RAF base? | uk news

What's happening to the drone found over the RAF base? | uk news


Over the past few weeks, a number of drones have been mysteriously discovered at four air bases used by the United States Air Force (USAF) in the UK.

The unmanned aerial devices were first spotted on November 20 around RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, RAF Feltwell in Norfolk and RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.

This unusual activity prompted an investigation by Britain's Ministry of Defense (MoD) police.

About 60 British troops, including anti-drone experts, were also deployed to help defend the base.

What we know about drone sightings

The drones were first spotted near three air force bases last Wednesday.

Similar movements occurred Friday, Nov. 22, and again “during overnight hours” this Monday, an Air Force Europe spokesman said.

A spokesperson said the number of aerial vehicles was “fluctuating” and “varied from base to base”.

In response to a question from Sky News security and defense editor Deborah Haynes, a spokesperson said: “There was no impact on residents or infrastructure. [they] “Not confirmed to be hostile.”

“However, the facility is continuously monitored to ensure its safety and security.”

“It’s unclear how many drones were involved, who was flying them and why,” Haines said, adding that it was “serious enough” for the UK to deploy soldiers.

Lakenheath is home to the 48th Fighter Wing, which the U.S. Air Force describes as the foundation of its European combat capabilities.

Image: RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk. Photo:PA

Mildenhall is home to the 100th Air Refueling Wing and Feltwell is a hub for housing, schools and other services.

Fairford is home to the 501st Combat Support Wing headquarters and the 420th Air Base Squadron.

The four bases are leased from the UK by the US Air Force.

What did Britain and America say?

The Department of Defense said it supported the U.S. Air Force's response to the sighting, adding that it “takes the threat seriously.”

The response is understood to include deploying around 60 soldiers from the Royal Air Force Regimental Force Protection Group with drone response expertise to help protect US military bases and identifying those responsible for operating the drones. .

Image: RAF Lakenheath, also in Suffolk. Photo:PA

According to the RAF website, RAF units operate the ORCUS semi-autonomous air system, which has the ability to “detect, track, identify and, if necessary, destroy hostile drones.”

U.S. military units said they were continuing to monitor the airspace of the four bases on Tuesday evening.

Who can fly a drone?

Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder said Tuesday it was too early to draw conclusions about whether the drones were sent by hobbyists.

He acknowledged that small drones are fairly common.

But one security source told Sky News the drone activity was “horribly coordinated”. Another said: “It's strange” and “Very strange.”

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, agreed that the drone did not appear to be a hobbyist creation, adding that the U.S. military would continue to investigate.

Read more on Sky News: 'Fierce war of attrition in Ukraine': Russian troops arrest 'former British soldier'

It is unclear whether the drone had hostile intentions, but the sighting comes as hostilities between Russia and Ukraine have escalated significantly.

Ukraine attacked targets in Russia with intermediate-range missiles supplied by the United States and Britain after President Joe Biden authorized the use of the weapons.

Soon after, President Vladimir warned that Russia could launch a counterattack against countries that supply weapons used against its targets.




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