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Taylor Swift's Upcoming Album, Engagement: Answers to Burning Questions (EXCL)

Taylor Swift's Upcoming Album, Engagement: Answers to Burning Questions (EXCL)


After 152 dates in 54 cities and five continents, some 7,000 songs, more than $2 billion in tickets sold, countless friendship bracelets and dozens of A-list attendees, Taylor Swift's Eras Tour will come to an end finally on December 8 in Vancouver, Great Britain. Colombia.

It's been an eventful nearly two-year journey for Swift. Professionally, she has reached new heights: her October 2023 documentary, Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (which she produced), became the highest-grossing concert film of all time, and she won two Grammys Awards — bringing its total to 14 — in February. His 11th studio album, The Tortured Poets Department, broke streaming records following its April release and remains the best-selling album of 2024. Among many highs, there have been a few notable lows: last November, a Brazilian fan died of heat exhaustion during Swift's Rio. Janeiro called it quits, and in August she was forced to cancel three shows in Austria due to terrorist threats.

She had a lot to celebrate in her personal life after finding love with NFL star Travis Kelce last summer. Their sweet romance was on full display: The 35-year-old Kansas City Chiefs tight end attended several stops on the tour and even joined Swift on stage for a performance of “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart » in June. “You can feel very alone at the top,” confides a source. “This tour was one of the best [for Taylor] because Travis brightened it up.

So what awaits Swift at the end of this monumental era? With the tour wrapping up and her birthday marking December 13, the singer is now at a crossroads. There are rumors about when (and if) she and Kelce will get engaged and start a family, and Swifties are clamoring to know when she'll record her next album (Taylor's Versions of Reputation and Taylor Swift aren't out yet). ) and how long it will take before it spins again. Here, Us Weekly's latest cover takes a look at her future plans.

Is she going to get engaged? Getty Images (2)

After more than a year of dating, Swift and Kelce talked about next steps. A second source tells us that while they “would both love to be engaged,” it's all about timing, noting that they're “not rushing.” The first source says Swift likes to take things slow when it comes to relationships (her previous romance with actor Joe Alwyn lasted six years before they split in April 2023). “Taylor feels like Travis is The One, but going for it isn't his style,” says the first source. “That's just not how she does it [things]. Marriage is a big deal and she wants [it to be] forever.”

The next few months will be a good test for them and will mark the first time they will be together for an extended period of time. (The NFL regular season ends in early January, when the playoffs begin.) “Taylor plans to stay and hibernate. [with Travis] for a while,” the second source explains, noting that they will also spend time in New York, where Swift has a luxury apartment. “They want to do 'normal things' as a couple.” Adds the first source: “Taylor and Travis are looking forward to spending quality time together because [that’s when] the little nuances about someone's personality and habits come into play. They will learn so much about each other.

There is no doubt that his friends and family are on board with a proposal. Their parents became especially close: Kelce's mother, Donna (along with her brother, Jason, and Jason's wife, Kylie), attended Swift's Oct. 18 show in Miami; Swift's mother, Andrea, attended Kelce's Chiefs game on November 10. “They are very close,” explains the second source. “[It feels] as if they were part of each other [lives] for years. Everything went smoothly. »

Related: Taylor Swift Is Ready for the 'Next Era' of Her Life After Touring With Travis Kelce

Travis Kelce didn't accompany girlfriend Taylor Swift to the MTV VMAs on Sept. 11, but she made sure her presence was felt when she brought home a Moon Man — her seventh of the night — for the video of the year for his song “Quinzaine”. » After thanking her collaborators, including Post Malone, Swift turned the […]

Does she want to start a family?

She's a loving cat mom and godmother to three of her pal Blake Lively's kids, but the first source says Swift doesn't have babies on the brain — at least not yet. “She's not planning on having kids at the moment because of her career,” the source said, adding, “Taylor and Travis are both very busy.” Besides football, Kelce has branched out with roles in the FX series Grotesquerie and the upcoming Happy Gilmore sequel (he also hosts the Amazon game show Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity?). The second source tells us the subject has been raised, but she doesn't have a timetable. “Taylor would love to be a mom in the next few years,” the source says, noting that Swift and Kelce are often on the same page. “They are very humble and family oriented. This is why [their relationship] works so well.

Is she taking an extended break from touring? LeStewartofNY/GC Images

If anyone deserves a rest, it's Swift. “Taylor is exhausted,” says the second source. “She’s looking forward to relaxing and getting some time away.” According to the source, the singer will likely celebrate her 35th birthday in New York (last year, she toasted with famous friends, including Jack Antonoff, Gigi Hadid, Gracie Abrams and Zoë Kravitz, and her high school best friend Abigail Anderson at the downtown hotspot, The Box). . “She loves quaint parties with her closest friends,” the source said, adding, “Taylor is thrilled to be turning 35. She knows she's accomplished so much.”

The first source says Swift plans to have Christmas with her and Kelce's families and wants to start the new year on a low-key and relaxing note. She will then get to work on a new album and talks about hitting the road again – albeit on a smaller scale than the Eras tour – in 2026. “She had a really great experience on Eras. She really wants to start again,” confides the first source. “She loves being with all her fans; it inspires her. However, Swift is not committing to anything for the moment. “Things can change. It depends on much of what will happen over the next year with Travis,” the source explains. “She told her team to give him a year to see how things go in his personal life.”

Related: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Friends Hope for Engagement

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are living in the present during her Eras Tour break — but those around her are already planning their happily ever after. “They are so in love,” a source exclusively reveals about the couple in the latest issue of Us Weekly, noting that their “friends are hoping the engagement is a certainty.” […]

Will she change her musical style?

In her December 2023 Time magazine Person of the Year cover story, Swift addressed the fickle nature of fame, saying, “Nothing is permanent. So I'm very careful to be grateful every second that I get to do this on this level. But in a year where rising stars like Sabrina Carpenter, Chappell Roan, and Tate McRae dominated, while more established acts like Dua Lipa, Justin Timberlake, and Jennifer Lopez didn't fare as well, Swift was the exception. “Taylor and his team continually create great pop music,” Seth Schachner, former head of Sony Music and general manager of Strat Americas, tells us. “Taylor has what it takes with hooks and great production and songwriting.” As for whether she should experiment with her sound to stay relevant, Schachner says if it ain't broke, don't fix it. “I don’t see her drastically changing the production of her sound. A reggae or metal release from Taylor Swift are not likely scenarios. She is a very prolific artist. She doesn't need to reinvent herself.

Who will stay in his entourage? Stacy Revere/Getty Images

Since joining forces with Kelce, Swift has grown closer to Lively and her husband, Ryan Reynolds. “Taylor has always been close to Blake, but now they're doing couple things together, like double dates, and it's helped Travis and Ryan bond,” the first source said. (The foursome was spotted having dinner in Manhattan on October 11.) “Ryan and Travis are good friends and chat regularly.” Swift also hugs her fellow WAGs, including Patrick Mahomes' wife Brittany, and Chariah Gordon, who is engaged to wide receiver Mecole Hardman Jr. Gordon recently told Glamor that Swift hand-knitted a baby blanket for her daughter 7-month-old and called the gesture “so cute and thoughtful.”

Related: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Are “In Love”: Inside Their Vacation Plans

It's starting to look a lot like a fairytale holiday season for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. The couple is moving full speed ahead, with Kelce attending Swift's Nov. 11 concert in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and both parties meeting each other's families. Now, sources tell us they have big plans to spend Christmas and […]

Does she want to be more private?

Gone are the days when Swift went to extreme lengths to hide from the paparazzi and dodged questions about her love life. “Travis and Taylor are totally in love and they don’t care what anyone else thinks,” a source told Us in September. In her interview with Time, Swift admitted that she's become less cautious overall — and it looks like she'll stay that way. “Yes, if I go out to dinner, there's going to be a whole chaotic situation outside the restaurant. But I still want to go to dinner with my friends. Life is short,” she explained. “I lock myself away in my house for many years – I will never get that time back. I am more confident now than I was six years ago.


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Will she diversify in her career? Gareth Cattermole/TAS24/Getty Images for TAS rights management

In December 2022, it was reported that Swift would direct a feature film for Searchlight Pictures based on an original screenplay she wrote (she has previously been behind the camera, directing a 14-minute short film for her hit song “All Too Well” and the music video for “Quinzaine”). Swift also self-published The Eras Tour Book in November. As with the film Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour – which she released without a studio as an intermediary – she's in charge. And this will probably be the case for future projects. “In the end, I did what I tend to do more and more often these days,” she told Time last year, “which is bet on myself.”

For more from Swift, watch the exclusive video above and pick up the latest issue of Us Weekly – on newsstands now.

With reporting by Andrea Simpson and Amanda Williams




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