Prime Minister presents blueprint for national renewal over 10 years

The Prime Minister has set out a milestone on how the Government will deliver on its national mandate through its transformation plan to drive real improvements for workers.
The milestones for change set out in the plan will track the government's progress on each mission until the end of parliament, ensuring accountability to the public.
Speaking at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, the PM explained how the milestones were chosen as an ambitious yet honest program to galvanize efforts across government, and how they require the government's attention and focus to relentlessly focus on what matters most. . People working across the UK have come together to bring about a decade of national renewal.
This includes a new commitment to fast-track planning decisions on at least 150 major economic infrastructure projects and turbocharging national economic growth with the biggest homebuilding and infrastructure push in 50 years.
The Prime Minister made it clear that the mission-led government must be more dynamic and innovative to achieve its goals, and this must be done in close collaboration with business, civil society and local government.
This will include efforts to bring more experts into Whitehall to help deliver the Government's transformation plans and leverage the expertise of leaders in the field to make real progress on the mission. Leading figures from business, charities and the public sector are invited to join the Government Mission Committee, tasked with working with government to deliver change plans.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said:
This government was elected to deliver real change for working people, and that is exactly what we are doing.
We have already stabilized the economy, secured an extra $26 billion for the NHS and launched the Border Security Command to tackle illegal migration.
Faced with a terrible legacy, we know we cannot deliver a plan for change alone. Mission-led government means doing things differently, and a decade of national renewal will require the skills and determination of all of us.
New Cabinet Secretary Sir Chris Wormald has also been tasked with overhauling the way the civil service works to ensure it has the right structures, tools and ways of working to deliver plans for change.
Key objectives of reforms across the civil service include adopting AI and other cutting-edge technologies to increase efficiency, as well as giving much greater responsibility to senior civil servants across government departments to ensure that delivery runs smoothly and they can focus on their missions. It includes doing.
The milestones outlined in today's change plan are:
We are targeting the highest sustained growth in the G7 by improving living standards across the UK, ensuring workers have more money in their pockets. Real household disposable income per capita and GDP per capita will be higher by the end of 2020. parliament.
Rebuild Britain by building 1.5 million homes in the UK and making rapid planning decisions on at least 150 key economic infrastructure projects.
Ending hospital backlogs to meet NHS standards where 92% of patients in England wait no longer than 18 weeks for elective treatment.
In England and Wales, every neighborhood has a nominated police officer, and 13,000 additional police officers, PCSOs and special constables take on neighborhood roles to put the police back on track.
Giving children the best start in life. A record 75% of five-year-olds in the UK are ready to learn when they start school.
Secure domestically produced energy, protect your bills and achieve more than 95% clean electricity by 2030, while accelerating the UK to net zero.
This mission builds on the foundations of good government needed to deliver long-term change, with the government focused on rebuilding economic stability, border security, and national security.
The Government will do this by improving the resilience of the UK economy, providing long-term policy certainty, working with international partners to prevent damage, working to restore order to the immigration system and reducing net migration from record high levels. It is being performed. In recent years we have reformed our approach to the labor market, tackled the UK's skills shortages and cracked down on employers who abuse the visa system.
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