UK civil service ranks 6th in new global index

The UK civil service ranks sixth in the new global index of civil services worldwide.
Singapore's civil service ranked first in the Blavatnik Public Administration Index released on Wednesday, followed by Norway in second, Canada and Denmark tied in third, Finland in fifth and New Zealand and the United Kingdom tied in sixth.
The public administration rankings of these countries are Australia, Spain, Estonia, France, the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Korea, Lithuania, Belgium, Austria, Latvia, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Uruguay, Ireland, Israel, and Slovenia.
Results are based on comparative performance across 82 indicators from 18 data sources.
British civil servants received an index score of 0.80 out of a maximum potential score of 1, while Singapore ranked first with 0.85 and Sudan ranked last with 0.17.
The index also rates each country's data coverage from A to D based on the amount of data available in the sources that make up the index. The UK and first place Singapore received a C grade, while second place Norway received the worst grade D. Only Mexico has data for all 82 metrics.
Singapore Civil Service Commissioner Leo Yip said he was “humbled” by Singapore's top ranking in a pre-recorded video message about the results.
At the event, former cabinet secretary and head of the UK civil service, Gus O'Donnell, shared his thoughts on how the new cabinet secretary might utilize the index.
“I think it’s really important to allow the leaders of the current cabinet to learn from each other,” said O’Donnell, who chairs the index’s senior leadership panel.
“We've just announced a new cabinet minister for the UK and the Prime Minister has given that person the job of reorganizing the British nation. Well, that's a pretty big job. Where do you start? Well, one way to start is to look “Tell me where we fall short in this index compared to similar countries in terms of GDP.”
Top 12 Blavatnik Public Administration Index 2024 (see all results here) 1 Singapore 2 Norway =3 Canada and Denmark 5 Finland =6 United Kingdom and New Zealand 8 Australia =9 Estonia, France, Spain and the United States
Also speaking at the launch event, Sapana Agrawal, Director of the Cabinet Office's Civil Service Strategy Department, said the index would provide a “common language” for civil servants, ministers and other countries to communicate with each other.
She said British civil servants have a lot of conversations with countries and try to learn from them, but the index would help “by showing what good looks like and how we can structure those conversations.”
Agrawal said he was also interested in getting input from academics on how the UK civil service could change its indicators to improve performance.
She also said the index would be used by UK civil servants to help them prioritize which areas of reform.
“We are currently preparing the UK’s next reform plan,” she said. “In fact, one of the purposes we use the index for is to think about: Of all the things we want to fix, where do we get the most bang for our buck? Where should we put the marginal pounds? Ahead as Gus As I said, we will be asked to do more with less.”
Covering 120 countries around the world, the index looks at four areas that represent broad areas of public administration activity.
Strategy and leadership: setting strategic direction, institutional management, core public service values and actions Public policy: core public administration functions and activities that underlie all national governments State delivery: direct public service delivery and oversight at the national level provided by others Broad public service people and processes: the realities of working in or for public administration.
Across these four areas, the UK ranked joint 7th in Strategy and Leadership, 3rd in Public Policy, joint 14th in National Delivery and joint 10th in People and Processes.
Each domain contains 16 themes consisting of multiple indicators. The indicator has 82 metrics.
The UK ranked first in one of the 16 topics of crisis and risk management within the 'Public Policy' domain, with the highest scoring indicator within that domain being cyber security, tied with Saudi Arabia for first place with a score of 1.0. occupied. USA. The UK also performed well on the topics 'Systems Oversight' and 'Policy Formulation'.
Developed by the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, the index is based on the International Civil Service Effectiveness Index, jointly run by the Blavatnik School of Government and the Institute for Government think tank over a three-year period from 2017 to 2019. Let's do it. The UK topped the 2019 version of the index, which included only 38 OECD countries.
The Blavatnik School of Government said the index “aims to help senior officials, those leading reform efforts, and other stakeholders understand how public administration and public services compare around the world.” .
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