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Paul McCartney warns AI could take over as UK debates copyright law | Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Paul McCartney warns AI could take over as UK debates copyright law | Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Paul McCartney has backed calls for legislation to stop large-scale copyright theft by companies building generative artificial intelligence (GAI), warning that AI could take their place.

The former Beatle said it would be truly sad if young composers and writers were unable to protect their intellectual property rights from the rise of algorithmic models, which they have learned by digesting mountains of copyrighted material.

He spoke amid growing concerns that the rise of AI is threatening the revenue streams of music, news and book publishers. Next week, the UK Parliament will debate changes to data legislation that would allow creators to decide whether their copyrighted works can be used to train generative AI models.

The amendment, championed by Beeban Kidron, would require operators of internet bots that copy content to train generative AI models to comply with copyright law.

Some publishers, such as Rupert Murdochs News Corporation and the Financial Times, have already signed licensing deals to allow Open AI to train large-scale language models for journalism. On the other hand, the New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement.

In a statement supporting the campaign for creators to be paid by AI companies for using their work, McCartney said:[ve] You have to be careful because it can just take over and we don't want that to happen, especially with young composers and writers. [for] That might be the only way they can do it[re] I'm going to build a career. It would be truly sad if AI took it away.

McCartney helped produce the Beatles' song Now and Then last year by using machine learning technology to isolate John Lennon's vocal performance from a recording made in 1970. But this is different from how AI companies train large-scale language models on vast amounts of copyrighted material. It pays.

Ministers will also consult on how copyright issues should be handled in the UK. The best system for tech companies would require artists, writers, and publishers to opt out of mining their own creations to train large-scale language models. But lobbying groups such as the News Media Association (NMA), which represents newspaper publishers, want a system that requires consent instead.

On Tuesday, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy told the Commons Culture, Media and Support Select Committee that the government had not decided which model it would propose in the upcoming consultation, but highlighted doubts about the system creators would have to opt out of.

Nandy said: We've looked at the limits of similar laws in the US and the EU, so we have reservations about this idea that if you simply say you want to leave, you'll find yourself completely deleted from the internet.

According to committee chair Caroline Dinenage, she could end up opposing skills minister Peter Kyle, whose department has completely taken the Kool-Aid on AI. It is thought that he will want to provide copyrighted material to tech companies unless the creator opts out.

Novelist Kate Mosse also supported a campaign to change the UK's existing copyright laws to allow enforcement, allowing creators to negotiate fair payments when licensing their content. She said opting out would not work.

As a writer, I want to communicate with AI, and I do, Mosse said. But we're looking for the F word fairness. Copyright exists. Intellectual property rights exist. However, the law is not being followed and the law is clearly obfuscated.

If you say you want to get paid, it will seem like you are ignoring the AI. As copyright weakens, technology companies sometimes deliberately obfuscate, which will severely harm the creative industries. [it] There will be nothing left.




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