British military successfully tests new drone-destroying laser
For the first time, the British military has successfully destroyed a flying drone by firing a high-energy laser weapon from an armored vehicle.
It works by directing intense infrared rays of energy into the target using advanced sensors and tracking systems that maintain locking status and accuracy in real time.
Unlike conventional ammunition, laser weapons are virtually unlimited in terms of ammunition supply. This means it could be a cost-effective alternative to some of the weapons currently in use.
The laser was integrated into the Wolfhound, a protected troop transport vehicle. Here, soldiers of the 16th Royal Artillery were able to track and trace airborne targets over the Radnor Range in central Wales.
Minister for Defense Procurement and Industry Maria Eagle MP said:
This groundbreaking technology demonstrates the UK's commitment to being at the forefront of military innovation.
The successful testing of this laser weapon system represents a significant step forward in the development of possible future defense capabilities and demonstrates British engineering excellence.
The laser was developed through collaboration between the MOD's Defense Equipment & Support (DE&S) and an industry consortium led by the DefenseScience and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and Raytheon UK, known as Team Hersa.
It realizes the government's plan for change by rapidly advancing technology and building a strong foundation for national security.
Warrant Officer Matthew Anderson, Test Manager, British Army Mounted Close Combat Test and Development Group, said:
Each time we performed, a drone was removed from the sky. While testing various distances, speeds, and altitudes, one question remained: how fast could the drone be taken out?
This is definitely a feature that can be added to the arsenal we use on the battlefield.
The purpose of the Capability Demonstration Program is to discover and test the potential use of directed energy weapons by the UK Armed Forces in the future.
Having already been tested by engineers from the UK Ministry of Defense and industry, the UK Army's latest experiments should provide the knowledge, information and experience to support future requirements decisions, ensuring the UK remains at the forefront of this new and disruptive technology. do.
Stephen Waller, Directed Energy Weapons Team Leader at DE&S, said:
Although this is still a new technology, the world has changed and we are seeing more use of drones in the battle space. This requires more cost-effective solutions to protect our troops.
Having the ability to track and eliminate moving drones will give the UK military a greater operational advantage, and these successful trials have shown that we are well on course to achieve this.
Raytheon, Fraser Nash, NP Aerospace, LumOptica, Blighter Surveillance Systems and Cambridge Pixel participated in the development of the weapon under the 16.8 million contracts awarded by Team Hersa.
The UK Ministry of Defense will consider the lessons learned from the project to assess the steps needed to develop a laser-directed energy weapon for future frontline use by the UK military.
Matt Cork, Head of HersaDstl Team, said:
Successful testing of the Laser Directed Energy Weapon Demonstrator is an important step toward future capabilities. This technology has the potential to provide a reliable and cost-effective means to defeat a variety of current and future threats, thereby improving the effectiveness of our military.
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