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Ryan Companies US to pay $350,000 to resolve sexual harassment and retaliation on Des Moines metro area construction projects

Ryan Companies US to pay 0,000 to resolve sexual harassment and retaliation on Des Moines metro area construction projects


MINNEAPOLIS The U.S. Department of Labor announced that its Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs has entered into a conciliation agreement with Ryan Companies US Inc. to resolve allegations that federal contractor employees were victims of sexual harassment, of a hostile work environment and/or retaliation. after complaining about harassment and cooperating with federal investigators.

During a routine compliance assessment, OFCCP discovered gender-based worker harassment that included physical, verbal, and visual harassment. The incidents occurred while he was employed by the Minneapolis-based construction services provider to work on federally funded projects, including the construction of a U.S. federal courthouse in Des Moines, Wash. Iowa.

OFCCP also determined that the harassment was severe and widespread and that officials at the Ryan Companies were aware of and, in some cases, participated in the harassment. Federal investigators learned that employees repeatedly complained over several years about illegal behavior. The alleged incidents occurred between March 2021 and February 2024 in the Des Moines metro area.

No worker should ever be unlawfully harassed and then retaliated against for reporting concerns at work and speaking with federal investigators. These actions constitute reprehensible violations of federal law, said Michele Hodge, acting director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. For nearly 60 years, OFCCP has helped define and defend equal employment opportunity for American workers. We are committed to holding employers who receive federal funding accountable for providing a workplace free of harassment and where the core values ​​of equality and fairness are honored.

To resolve the allegations, Ryan Companies entered into an agreement to pay $350,000 in monetary relief and comply with the injunction and routine monitoring.

People should be able to go to work every day and be treated with dignity and respect, not degradation and abuse. The harassment and hostile work environment these employees faced is appalling and could have continued had OFCCP not intervened, said Carmen Navarro, regional director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs in Chicago. . Federal contractors must provide a workplace where harassment and retaliation are unacceptable. We will not tolerate anything less.

Founded in 1938, Ryan Companies US Inc. is a national real estate builder, developer, designer and manager headquartered in Minneapolis with offices throughout the United States. Ryan Companies currently has contracts with the United States General Services Administration. Since 2015, the company has held more than $900 million in federal contracts.

OFCCP launched the Class Member Locator to identify applicants or workers who may be eligible for financial assistance and/or consideration for placement as a result of the OFCCP's compliance assessments and complaint investigations. OFCCP. If you believe you may be a class member who has experienced sexual harassment, a hostile work environment, or retaliation by Ryan Companies at its Des Moines, Iowa area job sites, During the investigation period, please use the OFCCP Class Member Locator to learn more about this and other settlements.

In addition to Executive Order 11246, OFCCP enforces Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Vietnam Era Veterans Rehabilitation Assistance Act of 1974. Together, these laws prohibit discrimination in terms of employment.

Learn more about OFCCP.




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