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The HEPI report raises questions about whether Chinese students receive enough support from UK universities.

The HEPI report raises questions about whether Chinese students receive enough support from UK universities.


A report published today by HEPI and Uoffer Global, How can UK universities improve their strategies to address the integration of Chinese students? Pippa Ebel's book examines the integration challenges facing Chinese students and considers the quality of relevant services provided across UK campuses.

It argues that the problems faced by Chinese students are particularly serious and require greater attention from UK institutions. In light of Chinese students' financial contributions and increasing uncertainty about their future in the UK, institutions must improve the services they offer. Better integration of Chinese students will benefit the entire campus community and UK society at large.

Key findings from the report include:

British universities, especially the Russell Group, are highly reliant on Chinese students for their financial stability, with Chinese students paying $2.3 billion a year in tuition fees. The number of Chinese applicants will fall by 4% in 2022, putting the UK at risk of becoming less popular with Chinese students in the future. China's unique domestic digital ecosystem creates technological barriers for Chinese students moving to the UK. Increased racial grouping. Adoption of non-Chinese apps like WhatsApp and Instagram is limited as few people are familiar with them before they are released. Instead, students continue to use Chinese apps such as WeChat and Little Red Book, which serve as not only social platforms but also key sources of practical information about the region. Developing countries like India and Malaysia. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores do not always accurately reflect Chinese students' language skills, especially their English speaking skills. Chinese applicants to British universities rely heavily on private institutions to learn English, often paying upwards of $10,000 to private tutors to assist them with entrance exams. Recently, the Chinese government has evaluated English proficiency at an even lower level. The distribution of Chinese students across UK higher education institutions (HEIs) is uneven, with more than 15,000 in some institutions and fewer than 10 in others. This is one of the causes of severe social clustering, with students mixing primarily with other people from China. This is further compounded by the limited accommodation options and access to information that often lead many Chinese students to Chinese-only households, despite their original desire to find non-Chinese friends. International students want more targeted career support from universities. %) have never received support. Chinese students find it more difficult to find a job than international students from other places. Students from China make up 22% of all international students in the UK, but only 10% of former international students who have found employment after completing their studies in the UK. Some Chinese students feel they are being treated as a source of income rather than something of value. Members of the community.

This white paper recommends focusing primarily on improving the following delivery areas:

HEIs should consider alternatives to the IELTS test as a way to assess language skills. For example, audio interviews and potentially artificial intelligence (AI) tools will need to be used to screen applications. Educational institutions must support Chinese students before and upon arrival, including pairing them with a buddy system. Include domestic and Chinese students and include Chinese students in your market strategy. To reduce ethnic clustering, institutions should provide more information in advance to Chinese students, allocate on-campus housing to international students, and work more closely with recruiting agents in China. Centers should consider international students separately and institutions should include internships and work experiences in their academic programs.

Report author Pippa Ebel said:

Although the financial value that Chinese students contribute to the UK economy is becoming increasingly realised, their potential social and cultural contribution is often overlooked. All international students face challenges when moving to an unfamiliar environment, but evidence suggests that the problems faced by Chinese students are more severe and pronounced. Chinese students belong to a specific digital environment, which permeates every aspect of their life abroad.

This report seeks to challenge existing preconceptions about the behavior of Chinese students in the UK by providing fresh insights and expert perspectives. If more support was provided for the integration of Chinese students, not only would they have a better experience, but campuses and UK society as a whole would feel the benefits.

Christina Ke, UK Managing Director at Uoffer Global, said:

The report highlights the integration challenges faced by Chinese students, particularly language barriers and employment issues. Despite strong academic credentials, many students struggle to adapt to speaking English and navigate the job market due to a lack of clear, personalized career support. The report addresses these issues with actionable clarity by providing practical recommendations, including improving admissions assessments and integrating internships into academic programs. Uoffer Global is committed to addressing these needs by bridging the gap between students and universities. Trusted by over 500,000 students and over 100 recruitment partners, we work closely with institutions through our offices in the UK and China to provide expert guidance and accessible support to help students thrive and enhance their campus communities.

Josh Freeman, policy manager at HEPI, said:

The international environment is changing and UK universities can no longer rely on the growing number of Chinese students. But these students and the high tuition they pay are critical to the long-term economic health of many educational institutions. This means institutions must work harder to attract and retain them. However, the field must not do so at the expense of quality, and rigorous admissions criteria for language and academic skills must be maintained.

Note to editors:

Pippa Ebel is a China expert and researcher based in Guangzhou. For the past five years she has been advising universities, schools and the UK government on China. She holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Oxford and a Master's degree in Chinese Studies from Peking University, where she was a Yanqing Scholar. Her work has been published in English and Chinese by international think tanks. In 2024, she received the Li Kaiyuan Award for Academic Excellence for research conducted at Peking University. The authors conducted their research over nine months, using a series of surveys and interviews with professionals and over 100 students across the UK and China. Students are recruited from over 20 higher education institutions in the UK to study a range of degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. HEPI was founded in 2002 to influence higher education debates through evidence. We are independent and non-partisan across the UK. We receive funding from organizations and higher education institutions who wish to support us through active policy debate as well as their own events.




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