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Catch the night: expert tips for stargazing in the UK


Cranbone Chase AONB

At Cranborne Chase AONB, the visibility of the night sky in the vast swamps of southern England was so good that it became the first AONB (Area of ​​Outstanding Natural Beauty) designated as the International Dark-Sky Reserve in October 2019 in the UK. More than half of the 380 square miles have the lowest light pollution in the UK. That is, on a cloudless night, the sky is full of stars. Cley Hill, near Warminster, is one of the best places for great views, and you can also discover something else that is believed to be a UFO hotspot.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park

The rugged countryside and rugged southwest coast are perfect for enjoying the night sky, partly because of the distance from the big cities and towns. The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and the National Trust have selected a series of sites across the national park where visitors can discover the night sky, including Broadhaven South beaches near Stackpole and Poppit Sands in Cardigan Bay.

Northumberland International Dark Sky Park

The unspoiled county landscape is always a dramatic backdrop, but it’s the skies that steal the show after dark. Winner of the Gold Award from the International Dark Sky Association, Northumberland International Dark Sky Park has the darkest skies in the UK. While there isn’t a shortage of places to watch the sky here, the Cawfield Quarry, next to Hadrian’s Wall, is a safe way to train your eyes for the neighboring galaxy, Andromeda, 2.5 million light-years away.

Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park

The small population means that this woodland in southwest Scotland is a haven for astronomers. In 2009, the UK’s first Dark Sky Park took prudent steps to keep light to a minimum for the first time outside the United States. From Newton Stewart to New Galloway, heading for a clear night along the A712, the open road passes through heathland and woodland under a spectacular clear night sky full of planets and stars and sparkling arcs of the Milky Way.

South Downs National Park

It can be difficult to completely avoid light pollution in the southeast, but Britain’s newest national park offers some of the best spots for stargazing in this corner of England. One of the highest points in Hampshire, Butser Hill in Queen Elizabeth Country Park is particularly good for stargazing. Or head to the coast and head to Birling Gap near Eastbourne to see a starry sky through the English Channel when visibility is good.

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