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Almost all American farms are family farms, according to the USDA

Almost all American farms are family farms, according to the USDA


AgWeb's Margy Eckelkamp reported earlier this week that “family farms still dominate the majority of U.S. farms,” ​​having accounted for “about 96% of total farms and 83% of total production in 2023” in the United States. United.

“Published on December 10, (the USDA Economic Research Service) released its 2024 edition of Americas Farms and Ranches at a Glance. This publication, which draws on survey data collected in late 2023, aims to provide insight into the U.S. agricultural economy,” Eckelkamp reported. “Much of the study breaks down the different characteristics of farms by type. The first distinction concerns family farms and non-family farms. According to the USDA, a family farm is one in which the majority of the business is owned by an operator and/or anyone related by blood, marriage, or adoption, including relatives who do not live in the home of the operator.

The study found that “most U.S. farms (86%) are small family farms (GCFI less than $350,000); these farms operate on 41% of U.S. agricultural land and account for 17% of the total value of production,” Eckelkamp reported. “…Large-scale family farms (GCFI of $1,000,000 or more) accounted for 48% of total production value and 31% of farmland in 2023.”

Distribution of farms, operated area and production value by farm type, 2023. Courtesy of USDA ERS.

“Large-scale family farms accounted for the majority of the production value of grains and soybeans (52%), cotton (71%), dairy (77%), and specialty crops (59%),” Eckelkamp reported. “Small family farms produced 45 percent of the value of hay and 46 percent of the total value of U.S. poultry and egg production. 22% of the value of beef production came from small family farms, while 39% came from large family farms. Small family farms often have fledgling operations, while large-scale family farms are more likely to operate feedlots.

When it comes to government payment programs, Eckelkamp reported, “the percentage of farms receiving government payments ranged from 21% for small family farms to 44% for medium and large family farms.” “.

“Small family farms received 76% of all USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) payments,” Eckelkamp reported. “…Medium-sized and large family farms accounted for 66% of the total value of production and received 71% of counter-cyclical type payments, which include agricultural risk coverage (ARC) and price loss coverage ( PLC) and 61% of all others. payments, which include milk margin coverage, agricultural disasters and one-off payments.

The majority of large farms use precision agriculture

Chuck Abbott of Successful Farming reported that “some 68% of large farms use precision farming technology that generates information that facilitates operator decision-making, such as yield monitors, yield maps and soils, the USDA said Tuesday. The annual “Farm and Ranch Overview” report showed that higher-volume farms are heavy users of the technology, despite previous reports showing a low rate of usage by farmers nationally.

“Large farmers reported adopting precision agriculture (PA) technology to increase yields, reduce input costs and reduce operator fatigue,” Abbott reported. “On the other hand, few small farms used this technology. Adoption “increases with farm size, primarily because larger farms may benefit more from using these tools than smaller farms,” the Economic Research Service said.

“Last year, the USDA reported that 27% of crop and livestock operations used at least one form of PA, from yield monitors and drones to robotic milking, an increase of 2 percentage points in two years,” Abbott reported. “The equipment has been available since the 1990s but is often expensive. PA allows row crop farmers to track production from relatively small plots, rather than per field, and adjust the amount of seeds, fertilizer and other inputs accordingly.




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