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Prince Andrew issues statement on ban on suspected Chinese spies entering UK | uk news

Prince Andrew issues statement on ban on suspected Chinese spies entering UK | uk news


Prince Andrew said he had “ceased all contact” with a businessman accused of being a Chinese spy after the government raised concerns.

In a statement from his office, the Duke of York said he had broken off the relationship on the 'advice' of officials, but insisted the pair had never discussed anything of a 'sensitive nature'.

This marks the 64-year-old royal's first public comments since it was revealed on Thursday that his 'close associates' had been banned from entering the UK due to national security risks.

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1:43 Prince Andrew and China: What's happening?

“The Duke of York has followed HMG’s advice and ceased all contact with the individual after concerns were raised,” the statement said.

“The Duke met the person through official channels and there were no discussions of a sensitive nature. He cannot comment further on matters relating to national security.”

The man, known as H6, was invited to the royal's birthday party in 2020 and was told by Andrew's close associate Dominic Hampshire that he could act on the duke's behalf when dealing with potential investors in China at an expert tribunal in July this year. They say they heard it.

H6 was initially excluded from entry in 2023 by then-home secretary Suella Braverman over national security concerns.

Image: Prince Andrew linked to businessman accused of 'secret and deceptive activities' File photo: AP

Aide ‘secret and deceptive’

In July of that year, the Home Office said H6 was considered to have engaged in 'covert and deceptive activities' on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party.

H6 appealed to the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), claiming this was illegal. The Chinese Embassy in the UK also denied the allegations.

Judges on Thursday upheld H6's ban on the Duke of York, arguing his influence had left him “vulnerable”.

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Prince Andrew 'desperate situation'

With their decision, SIAC said in a letter sent by Mr Hampshire to H6: [Andrew’s] “You, my closest inner friend, sit atop a tree that countless people would love to climb on.”

SIAC also cited a 2021 document recovered from H6's device that said the prince was “in a desperate situation and would grab anything.”

Andrew was a traveling UK Trade Ambassador from 2001 to 2011.

He was forced to step down from public duties in 2019 due to his friendship with the American financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who took his own life in prison.

Andrew has always denied all accusations of wrongdoing. In 2022, the British monarchy removed his military links and royal patronage.

Responding to the ban, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the UK said some people in the UK were “very keen” on creating “all kinds of spy stories about China”.

“Their aim is to defame China and disrupt normal people-to-people exchanges between China and the UK. We strongly condemn this.”




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