UK signs 476 million marine lift contract with Foreland Shipping
The Ministry of Defense has awarded a 476 million contract to Foreland Shipping to continue Interim Strategic Sealift (SSL-I) services.
The agreement, which runs from January 2025 to December 2031, ensures the UK's ability to deploy military equipment globally, supporting operations critical to national security and NATO commitments.
According to the Department of Defense, the SSL-I contract is designed to provide capabilities optimized for strategic transition in the maritime environment. This ensures rapid deployment of materiel in a variety of operational environments. A key requirement is that the vessel must be globally deployable. The Department emphasizes the ability to deliver cargo to the right place, at the right time, without damage or degradation, and to utilize the most convenient transportation routes, including the Panama and Suez Canals. .
Foreland Shipping will provide more than 9,600 lane meters of cargo space for its four vessels: Anvil Point, Hartland Point, Hurst Point and Eddystone. These Roll-On/Roll-Off (RoRo) vessels can operate 355 days a year and must be operational within 72 hours of receiving instructions.
The Ministry of Defense has listed the ship's versatility as a requirement, with the ship being equipped to transport institutional equipment, cargo and supplies, including main battle tanks (MBTs), armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) and heavy equipment transport vehicles (HETs). I mentioned that I have it. The vessel will also have reinforced hulls and decks, a double hull arrangement to enhance survivability and support operations in challenging conditions, including ice class certification for Baltic missions.
As our readers know, these ships were specially tailored to meet military requirements. Unlike typical commercial RoRo vessels, the Department of Defense said the vessel can access any container at sea while fully secured to the vessel and is equipped with a self-supporting ramp for unloading in ports with limited or damaged infrastructure.
It is also compatible with the Mexeflote system for amphibious operations.
Forelands ships also incorporate advanced communications systems, including OSPREY NACIS or its successor, as well as the ability to integrate ballistic protection and weapon mounts. The Ministry of Defense emphasized that these ships are configured to extend their range at an economical pace, enabling continued support for British forces stationed overseas while minimizing reliance on domestic support.
point class ship
The Point class is a series of roll-on/roll-off sealift ships introduced in 2002 under the Private Finance Initiative to enhance the UK's military transport capabilities. Designed under the Strategic Defense Review, the vessel is tailored to transport large quantities of military cargo, including up to 130 armored personnel carriers and 60 trucks. Built by Germany's Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft and Belfast's Harland and Wolff, the ships are named after famous points and headlands in England.
The ships operate with small, trained civilian crews as sponsored reservists, allowing them to receive military command in times of crisis.
It boasts a length of 193m, a displacement of 23,000 tons, a range of 17,000km, and a top speed of 21.5 knots. The reinforced structure allows it to carry heavy military equipment, while its self-supporting ramps allow for efficient unloading in ports with limited infrastructure. Additionally, the vessel's ice class certification allows it to operate in Baltic conditions, increasing the UK's operational flexibility.
The Point class replaced the Royal Fleet auxiliary ships Sea Centurion and Sea Crusader and has played a pivotal role in supporting British operations since introduction. Budget cuts led to the sale of two ships in 2013, but the remaining four continue to provide critical capabilities, supporting major deployments such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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