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More than a million vapes are discarded every day in the UK, study finds | vaping

More than a million vapes are discarded every day in the UK, study finds | vaping


According to research, 13 vapes are thrown away every second in the UK, causing more than a million vapes a day, causing environmental problems.

There has also been an increase in large puff vapes, which are larger and can hold up to 6,000 puffs per vape. The average number of disposable vapes is 600. According to a study commissioned by Material Focus, 3 million of these large vapes are purchased every week. , conducted by Opinium. Currently, 8.2 million vapes are thrown away or incorrectly recycled every week.

From June 2025, selling disposable vapes will be illegal. This is a measure designed to prevent environmental damage and widespread use by children. Vapes are only permitted for sale if they are rechargeable or contain refillable cartridges.

However, all types of vapes contain lithium-ion batteries, which are dangerous because if broken or damaged they can start a fire in a dumpster or waste and recycling center. These fires are on the rise across the UK, with a 71% increase last year compared to 2022.

Environmentalists also consider it wasteful and harmful to the ecosystem because it contains valuable and important substances such as lithium and copper, which end up in the trash. Material Focus calculated that the number of vapes discarded annually could instead power 10,127 electric cars. Vapes are also toxic to wildlife if disposed of in the trash.

The campaign group is calling for urgent action to be taken as part of the proposed licensing system for selling vapes, including an in-store take-back system and additional information displayed in stores and stores on how to recycle vapes.

Scott Butler, Managing Director of Material Focus, said: Vape producers are getting endlessly creative with their products to avoid the upcoming single-use vape ban. While the current ban keeps some of the most environmentally wasteful products off the market, more flexible legislation may be needed to deal with the ongoing problem of new products proliferating on the market.

Recycling a vape should be as easy as purchasing it. We want more vapers to require their point of purchase to offer recycling points. Because this is a legal obligation for anyone selling vapes.

Like any other electrical product containing a plug, battery or cable, vapes should never be thrown in the trash and should be recycled to a minimum. We need to rapidly increase the number of accessible and visible e-cigarette recycling drop-off points. And we need adequate retailer and producer financing for true recycling solutions to recover materials and manage fire risks. The UK needs more easily accessible recycling drop-off points in shops, parks, public spaces near offices, bars and pubs, schools and universities.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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