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LA Games 2028: UK Sport invests record $330 million in British Olympic and Paralympic sport

LA Games 2028: UK Sport invests record 0 million in British Olympic and Paralympic sport


Elite sports financier UK Sport has revealed it will invest a record $330 million in Olympic and Paralympic sport in the UK for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.

More than 50 sports will benefit, but athletics has had its budget cut to allow for a second cycle of operations.

Five new sports for the 2028 Olympics have all received funding: baseball/softball, flag football, lacrosse, paraclimbing, and squash.

Breaking, which debuted at the Paris Olympics this summer, is no longer eligible after being removed from the Olympic program.

Add in Athlete Performance Awards (APAs) and the total figure will exceed $400 million. APA is paid directly to individual athletes and contributes to their living and sporting expenses, allowing them to focus on competing. Approximately 70 million were awarded to APA in the Paris funding cycle. The total length is 385m.

UK Sport chief executive Sally Munday said BBC Sport's funding should not be seen as a “reward” or “punishment” for the Paris Olympic Games.

“The decisions we make for every sport are based on looking at their potential,” Munday said.

“UK Athletics will receive over 30m in prize money for its Olympic and Paralympic programs and we believe this will place it in a great position to support athletes heading to LA.”

Jack Buckner, CEO of UK Athletics, said the organization was “disappointed” by the decision to reduce the sport’s share of the sport to 1.725m, adding that the 10 medals won at the 2023 World Championships and this year’s Olympics “required a higher level of investment.” “It is worth receiving,” he emphasized. “.

Canoeing was another sport whose funding was cut by more than $500,000. Considering the total funding for the Paris 2024 cycle, modern pentathlon and equestrian received a smaller budget, but their rowing increased from 22.72m to 24.85m despite the cut between Tokyo and Paris.

Meanwhile, British Basketball Federation chief executive Chris Grant said the sport had “entered a new era” as he handed out £29.25m in awards to help develop the game, mainly in the 3×3 format.

Great Britain won 65 medals at this year's Olympics and 124 medals at the Paralympic Games.

They finished seventh in the Olympic medal standings, with the Netherlands sixth and France fifth. But Munday said the goal is “to consistently be in the top five.”

“We’re really going to do forensics. Was there anything we could have done differently to avoid being in that situation again?” Monday said.

“We’re going to make every effort to make sure we really understand what the factors are as to why we came in seventh, but it’s very clear that we want to be consistently in the top five.”




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