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The EU has taken Britain to court over London's efforts to reset relations.

The EU has taken Britain to court over London's efforts to reset relations.


Brussels is referring Britain to the European Court of Justice over two cases, casting a shadow over Sir Keir Starmus' efforts to reset relations with the EU.

The European Commission has filed a lawsuit challenging the UK's treatment of EU citizens after Brexit and the UK's failure to terminate bilateral investment agreements with six member states.

The first complaint dates back to 2020. The legal action stalled last year as London and Brussels tried to resolve differences over a trade deal between Britain and Northern Ireland.

But on Monday the commission said it would take the case to court as Britain's rights under the terms of its EU exit expire on December 31.

Until then, the ECJ could rule on the matter before 2021, when the UK's Brexit transition period ends. The UK must follow the court's ruling.

The commission argued that the UK had imposed unfair restrictions on the right of family members of EU citizens to reside in the UK.

A number of complaints remain unresolved, including those regarding workers' rights and the rights of extended families, the commission said in a statement. There are more than 5 million EU citizens with residency rights in the UK.

In the second case, the Commission found that the UK should have ended its bilateral investment agreements with six member states when it left the EU.

Downing Street said: “We will not comment on legal proceedings.” This concerns both when we were an EU member and during the transition period.

We remain focused on resetting our relationship with the EU and working to ensure that Brexit works for the British people.

Brussels' decision to proceed with the case comes at a sensitive time for Britain and the European Union as they try to draw a line after three years of rancor.

Starmer will hold an informal dinner with the 27 EU member states in February, his first since Britain left the trading bloc.

British Prime Minister Rachel Reeves met with fellow finance ministers this month to argue for better access to the EU for the financial services sector, which is not included in the post-Brexit trade and cooperation agreement.

Reeves said removing trade barriers erected when Britain left the single market would benefit both sides ahead of detailed talks expected to begin next year.

British officials said such legal disputes were a normal part of relationships between international partners.

The opposition Conservative Party, which pursued Brexit and signed the TCA, jumped on board with the Brussels move.

Priti Patel, the shadow foreign secretary, said: The EU's enthusiasm to continue to bring cases against us at the ECJ is fueled by Keir Starmer's attempts to bring us back under its jurisdiction in more areas and extend mobility rights for EU citizens. This should be a warning. I hope the Government will vigorously defend this claim.

Labor will give up our sovereignty and want to tie our hands to the EU instead of focusing on securing growth through a competitive domestic economy and global trade.




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