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UK Christmas weather forecast revealed – snow could fall in some areas | uk news

UK Christmas weather forecast revealed – snow could fall in some areas | uk news


The weather over Christmas week in the UK is likely to be “variable and unsettled”, with snow likely in some areas, forecasters said.

It comes as motoring experts warned drivers to avoid major roads during Friday and Saturday to avoid the worst of the holiday traffic.

The Met Office said the wettest and windiest weather is expected in northern England over the Christmas period, with heavy rain expected to fall.

The long-range forecast for December 20-29 said the weather “could continue to change.”

However, he added: “Snow is likely to be confined to higher elevations, but may temporarily fall in lower northern areas during the cold winter months.”

Sky News weather producer Christopher England said it was still too early to provide exact details about festival conditions.

He said: “The weather for Christmas week looks very unsettled, with wind and rain especially in the north, but in the south there is high pressure nearby which will limit the rain.”

“Temperatures will probably vary around monthly averages.

“It’s too early to give details, but snow is expected to be mainly confined to the mountains, with cold weather possibly falling at lower altitudes to the north.”

Check the weather forecast for your area.

It comes as drivers are being warned about the busiest times on Britain's roads ahead of Christmas.

The RAC and traffic analytics company Inrix said roads would be busiest between 1pm and 7pm on Friday and Saturday.

Hotspots where queues are expected include the M3 between its junction with the M25 and the south coast, the M25 counterclockwise between its junction with the M1 and the M23, and the M53 from Chester to Liverpool.

The RAC said its survey showed 3 million leisure trips were planned by car on Friday, rising to 3.7 million on Saturday.

Runaway traffic is expected to peak at 3.8 million on Christmas Eve.

A total of 29.3 million festive trips are estimated to be made between Wednesday and Christmas Eve, the highest number since the RAC began recording data in 2013.

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RAC spokeswoman Alice Simpson said: “Our research shows that with Christmas falling on a Wednesday this year, many drivers will be busy with holiday travel in the lead up to the big day.

“We start to see an increase in holidays from Friday, but Saturday, which is a roar, as well as Christmas Eve, looks particularly difficult.

“Traveling outside of peak hours may be the only way drivers can miss the worst of the traffic.”

National Highways said more than 95% of roadworks on the Highways England and main A road network will be removed from 6am on Friday and will not be restored until January 2.




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