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Two people charged in connection with Iranian-backed drone strike that killed three US soldiers in the Middle East

Two people charged in connection with Iranian-backed drone strike that killed three US soldiers in the Middle East


BOSTON — Two men, including a dual Iranian-American citizen, have been charged with conspiring to export sensitive technology to Iran that was used in a drone attack in Jordan that killed three American soldiers in earlier this year and injured dozens of other soldiers, the ministry said. The Justice Department said Monday.

The two men were arrested after FBI specialists who analyzed the drone traced its navigation system to an Iranian company operated by one of the defendants, which relied on parts and technology introduced into the country by his alleged co-conspirator, prosecutors said.

We often cite hypothetical risks when we talk about the dangers of American technology falling into dangerous hands, U.S. Attorney Joshua Levy, Massachusetts' top federal prosecutor, said at a news conference announcing the charges. Unfortunately, in this situation we are not speculating.

The defendants were identified as Mahdi Mohammad Sadeghi, who prosecutors say works at a Massachusetts-based semiconductor company, and Mohammad Abedininajafabadi, who was arrested Monday in Italy as the Justice Department seeks his extradition to Massachusetts.

Prosecutors say Abedininajafabadi, also referred to as Adedini in court documents, has deep ties to the Iranian government. They claim his Tehran-based company makes navigation systems for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's military drone program and that he conspired with Sadeghi to circumvent U.S. export control laws, including by creating a front company in Switzerland, and by purchasing sensitive technologies in Iran. .

Sadeghi, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested Monday in Massachusetts and ordered to remain in custody following his court appearance. His attorney did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Both men are accused of export control violations, and Abedini is separately charged with conspiracy to provide material support to Iran.

Three Georgian soldiers Sgt. William Jerome Rivers of Carrollton, Sgt. Breonna Moffett of Savannah and Sgt. Kennedy Sanders of Waycross was killed in the Jan. 28 drone attack on a U.S. outpost in northeastern Jordan called Tower 22. U.S. officials blamed the attack on the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an Iranian-backed militia group that includes Kataib Hezbollah.

During the attack, the one-way attack drone may have been mistaken for a US drone that was due to return to the logistics base around the same time and was not shot down. Instead, it crashed into the living quarters, killing all three soldiers and injuring more than 40.

To those who were injured by this attack, to the loved ones and family members of those who lost their lives, as the son of a veteran, I humbly hope that the charges brought today will provide some measure of justice and accountability, Levy said.

Tower 22 housed approximately 350 American military personnel at the time. It is strategically located between Jordan and Syria, just 10 kilometers from the Iraqi border, and in the months following Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7 and Israel's blistering response in Gaza, militias supported by Iran have intensified their attacks against Israel. US military locations in the region.

Following the attack, the United States launched a broad counterattack against 85 sites in Iraq and Syria used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Iranian-backed militias and reinforced the defenses of the Round 22.


Tucker and Copp reported from Washington.




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