UK discusses proposals to provide clarity on copyright law for creative industries and AI developers
The new proposals seek to bring legal certainty to the creative and AI sectors around how copyright-protected material is used to train models, support innovation and stimulate growth in two sectors that are critical to transformation plans.
The balanced package of proposals aims to give creators greater control over how AI developers use their materials and improve their ability to pay for their use.
The proposal would also seek greater transparency from AI companies about the data used to train AI models, along with how AI-generated content is labeled.
AI developers will have broad access to materials to train world-leading models in the UK, and legal certainty will drive AI adoption across the economy.
The UK today launched a consultation on plans to give creative industries and AI developers certainty about how copyrighted material can be used to train AI models. This move, which supports the UK government's transformation plan, will help drive growth in both sectors by ensuring protection and payment for rights holders and supporting AI developers to innovate responsibly.
Both sectors are at the core of the Government's industrial strategy and these proposals aim to find new ways for both sectors to thrive and boost growth. Key areas of consultation include increasing trust and transparency across sectors, so rights holders can better benefit. Understanding how AI developers use data and how they obtain it.
The consultation will also look at how creators can license and receive compensation for the use of their material, and how widespread access to high-quality data for AI developers can be strengthened to enable innovation across the UK AI sector. Explore.
These proposals will help drive the UK Government’s mission to unlock the full potential of the AI ​​sector and creative industries to drive innovation, investment and prosperity across the country and deliver the most sustained growth in the G7 under the Transformation Plan.
Currently, uncertainty about how copyright law applies to AI is preventing both fields from reaching their full potential. This could make it difficult for creators to control or demand payment for use of their works, create legal risks for AI companies, and hinder AI investment, innovation, and adoption. Previous attempts to agree a voluntary AI copyright code of practice have proven unsuccessful. , this government is determined to take proactive action with the creative and AI sectors to deliver viable solutions.
To address this issue, the consultation proposes introducing an exception to copyright law for AI training for commercial purposes, while allowing rights holders to retain their rights to control the use of their content. Together with transparency requirements, this gives you more certainty and control over how your content is used and helps you close licensing deals. This will also give AI developers greater certainty about what materials they can and cannot use and ensure broad access to materials in the UK.
Additional work will be needed in both sectors to ensure that standards and requirements for reservations of rights and transparency are effective, accessible and widely adopted before these measures come into force. This will enable seamless adoption by both AI developers and rights holders, ensuring that rights holders of all sizes retain their rights and that the future framework achieves our goals. These measures are fundamental to making exceptions more effective, without which exceptions would not occur.
The consultation also proposes new requirements for AI model developers to be more transparent about their model training datasets and how they were obtained. For example, AI developers may need to provide additional information about the content they used to train their model. This allows rights holders to understand when and how their content is used to educate AI.
Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology Peter Kyle said:
The UK has an incredibly rich and diverse cultural sector and a groundbreaking technology sector that is pushing the boundaries of AI. It is clear that current AI and copyright frameworks do not support the creative industries or the AI ​​sector to compete on a global stage.
That is why we are putting forward a balanced package of proposals to address the uncertainty about how copyright law applies to AI, which can foster continued growth in the AI ​​sector and creative industries, which will meet our mission of the highest sustained growth in the G7. It will help you achieve this. As part of a plan for change.
It's about partnerships. Removing barriers to AI innovation while balancing strong protections for creators. We are working together across government and industry to make this happen.
Minister of State for Culture, Media and Sport Lisa Nandy said:
This government strongly believes that our musicians, writers, artists and other creators should have the ability to know and control how their content is used by AI companies, and to seek licensing agreements and fair payments. Achieving this and ensuring legal certainty will help the creative and AI sectors grow and innovate together in partnership.
We strongly support world-class creative and media industries that inform our cultural and economic life. We will work with them and the AI ​​sector to develop a clearer copyright system for the digital age and ensure any system is viable and easy to use for businesses of all sizes.
Licensing is essential as a means for creators to secure appropriate payment for their work, and these proposals lay the foundation for rights holders to enter into licensing agreements with AI developers when rights are reserved. For example, a photographer who uploads his work to an internet blog can retain his rights with the confidence that his wishes will be respected and that his images will not be used unless the developer of the generative AI agrees to a license. You can. This will support the control of the creative and media industries and their ability to monetize the use of their materials, and provide AI developers with certainty about what materials they can legally access.
This combined approach strengthens trust between two increasingly interconnected sectors, paving the way for developers to confidently build and deploy the next generation of AI applications in the UK. A shared stake in the transformative potential of AI.
The Government welcomes the licensing agreements already agreed, including those involving major players in the music and news publishing sectors. However, it is clear that more creators and rights holders cannot do so under the current copyright regime. Creative industries and businesses of all sizes need more help managing their content and securing licensing agreements. The government is determined to make it easier for them to do this.
The consultation will also recognize issues related to the protection of personality rights in the context of digital copies, such as deepfake imitations of individuals, and seek views on whether the current legal framework is sufficiently robust to address these issues.
As AI continues to advance at a rapid pace, the UK’s response must evolve with it. The Government welcomes the views of all stakeholders on these proposals and is committed to working with creators, rights holders and AI developers to co-design a suitable copyright and AI framework for the UK to make progress so that both sectors can thrive. I'm doing everything.
Note to editors: The consultation will run for 10 weeks and close on 25 February 2025.
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