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Stowaway caught on New York-Paris flight tries to escape to Canada

Stowaway caught on New York-Paris flight tries to escape to Canada


A stowaway who allegedly flew from New York to Paris without a ticket last month has been arrested again for trying to escape by bus from the United States to Canada.

Svetlana Dali made the attempt after cutting off an ankle monitor she was asked to wear after the previous offense, US media reported.

A New York court ordered him to wear the monitor after he allegedly boarded a Delta Airlines flight from New York's JFK International Airport to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport without a boarding pass.

At a court hearing, she was ordered not to leave Philadelphia unless she went to New York for meetings regarding her trial.

She was arrested Monday in Buffalo, New York, and is scheduled to appear in court Tuesday afternoon.

Ms. Dali surprised many when she sneaked onto a flight without a boarding pass. She used a special lane that allowed airline employees to pass through the security line without a boarding pass, according to a complaint filed in a New York court.

She blended in with a large Air Europa crew and, despite not having a ticket, was screened by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents.

The 57-year-old man, a Russian national and permanent resident of the United States, slipped past Delta Airlines agents who were helping other passengers at the boarding gate.

Ms Dali then boarded the plane and was later arrested in Paris, when the plane landed, after the Delta crew discovered she did not have a ticket.

On board, she reportedly moved from one lavatory to another and never took a seat – until flight attendants began to notice.

“This is the only reported case of unauthorized access as more than 18 million passengers were screened at TSA security checkpoints during the busiest Thanksgiving travel season,” TSA said to CBS News, the BBC's American partner, a few days after his arrest. “No one has ever completely violated the TSA security screening process.”

After her arrest, Ms. Dali tried unsuccessfully to seek asylum in France, a source familiar with the matter told CBS.

She was flown back to New York earlier this month, where she was taken into custody and charged with obtaining transportation on an airplane without consent or authorization. She appeared in court earlier this month.




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