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Mysterious drones discovered at bases in the UK and US may belong to 'Russian undercover agents'

Mysterious drones discovered at bases in the UK and US may belong to 'Russian undercover agents'


Russian “sleeper agents” could be orchestrating swarms of mysterious drones spotted over military bases in the UK and US, a senior defense expert has warned.

Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, former commander of Britain's Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Regiment, claimed the incursion could have been part of a coordinated operation by the Kremlin to probe Western defences.

A veteran commander believes Putin may have activated secret agents to carry out a brazen surveillance operation, leaving officials scrambling for answers on both sides of the Atlantic.

His warning comes as panicked U.S. officials have declared a state of emergency after hundreds of drones have been spotted off the U.S. East Coast in recent weeks.

Russian 'sleeper agent' may be organizing a mysterious drone swarm

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Meanwhile, several US military bases in the UK have reported drones brazenly circling their facilities, including RAF Rakenheath in Suffolk, which is scheduled to house US nuclear weapons.

Drones have been seen hovering over several US air force bases in the UK, including RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, and RAF Feltwell in Norfolk.

Sightings first reported on November 20 saw swarms of drones circling these strategic locations.

Further drone activity was recorded on 22 November, with up to four drones brazenly monitoring RAF Feltwell and RAF Lakenheath.

The timing of the incursion has caused particular concern as RAF Lakenheath is set to become home to US nuclear weapons for the first time since the Cold War.

British defense sources claimed there was “no evidence” that drone activity was linked to Russia or any other adversary such as China or Iran.

But former British UFO investigator Nick Pope said he could not “rule out” the possibility of Russian and Chinese involvement in the recent incident.

Col de Bretton-Gordon warns that sleeper agents could pay young people handsome sums to fly drones and gather intelligence.

“You have access to people who can provide services for you, and you expect to be able to pay children or young people. I would have thought Russia and China were paying quite a bit. “He told the Daily Mail. .

The colonel likened the strategy to “espionage 2.0,” suggesting agents were gathering data on response times, troop numbers and equipment.

He found parallels with the tactics used by the Assad regime in Syria, which tested the West's response before escalating its attacks.

“They are testing to see where the weaknesses and vulnerabilities are,” he warned.

RAF Lakenheath


Drones could collect intelligence to lay the groundwork for potential future attacks on Western bases abroad, according to defense experts.

In New Jersey, state Sen. Jon Bramnick declared a state of emergency after a surge in drone sightings.

Republican senators claimed the U.S. government was withholding information about the mysterious aircraft.

“Whatever these drones are doing, the government really doesn’t want us to know,” Bramnick told NewsNation, urging the Pentagon to “be honest with the American public.”

Drone sightings have been reported along the northern East Coast, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Sightings reached as far west as Los Angeles.

White House national security adviser John Kirby insisted the sighting “poses no threat to national security or public safety.”

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he was aware of “no foreign interference.”

A new bill submitted to the U.S. Senate would strengthen federal agencies' drone tracking powers and allow local authorities to disable or confiscate drones without the operator's consent.

Recent naval activity has raised concerns about Russian surveillance operations near UK waters.

Last month, the Yantar, a suspected Russian spy ship, was discovered lurking in the Irish Sea just above a vital undersea energy cable linking Britain and Ireland.

The vessel, described by Moscow as an “oceanographic research vessel”, was equipped with a mini-submarine.

Days before the drone was sighted at the RAF base, Norwegian, American, French and British forces observed Yantar over the English Channel alongside a Russian warship.

On 14 November, RAF Typhoon fighters took off from Lossiemouth, Scotland, to intercept a Russian Tupolev-142 reconnaissance aircraft over the North Sea.

In previous incidents, an unmanned “spy boat” was spotted near a nuclear submarine base, and a solar-powered Wave Glider drone was spotted near Faslane.

Ownership of this unmanned vessel has yet to be claimed, despite similar variants being used by the British and American militaries.

Yantar was observed accompanying Russian warships through the English Channel.


Nick Pope, a former British Ministry of Defense official who headed the UFO desk, suggested that China's drone capabilities could now match or exceed those of the United States.

“Some defense critics have said that China is on par with or even ahead of the United States in drone technology,” he said.

The Pope noted that the UK's drone incident coincides with Britain's approval of Storm Shadow weapons on Russian territory.

He suggested that drones could be launched from commercial ships or submarines operated by foreign governments.

Col de Bretton-Gordon warned that the incident signaled a new era of tension.

“It is a wake-up call that we are living in the pre-war era, the ‘third nuclear age.’ We are back in a cold war that is getting hotter and hotter,” he said.

The Pentagon responded, “We take the threat seriously and maintain robust measures at our defense sites,” adding, “We are supporting the U.S. Air Force’s response.”




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