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US plans to ban Chinese-made TP-Link routers over security concerns

US plans to ban Chinese-made TP-Link routers over security concerns


The United States is considering banning the sale of TP-Link Internet routers, made in China, over concerns that the home devices pose a security risk, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Authorities could ban popular routers, linked to Chinese cyberattacks, as early as next year when President-elect Donald Trump takes office, the report said.

Trump has indicated he is prepared to take a tough stance on China during his second term, including introducing taxes of up to 60% on goods made in China.

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TP-Link says its routers don't represent the majority of Internet routers in homes and small businesses in the United States. The routers are available for purchase on, where they are a best-seller. Amazon did not immediately respond to CBS MoneyWatch's request for comment on the potential ban.

The company's connectivity products are also used by the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal government agencies, according to the WSJ.

For its part, TP-Link told CBS MoneyWatch that the company's “security practices are fully compliant with industry security standards in the United States.”

“We implement rigorous secure product development and testing processes and take timely and appropriate actions to mitigate known vulnerabilities,” a TP-Link spokesperson said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch.

Many consumer brands targeted by Chinese hackers

The company added that many consumer electronics brands are targeted by China-based hacking groups and that it welcomes “opportunities to collaborate with the federal government to demonstrate that our security practices are fully compliant with standards industry security and to demonstrate our continued commitment to the American market, American consumers and responding to risks to United States national security. »

The Justice Department is investigating whether the relatively low price of routers violates a law stating that companies cannot sell goods for less than the cost of production, the WSJ reported, citing a person familiar with the matter. On, a handful of T-Link router models are available for sale with a base model costing around $99. The routers are also available for sale through a sales unit in California.

In a statement to CBS MoneyWatch, TP-Link said that while it sells products at lower prices than its competitors, it does not sell any products below cost.

Compromised routers

In October, Microsoft released an analysis revealing that a Chinese hacking entity had access to a multitude of compromised TP-Link routers.

” CovertNetwork-1658 specifically refers to a set of egress IP addresses that may be used by one or more Chinese threat actors and is composed entirely of compromised devices. Microsoft believes that a threat actor located in China has established and maintains this network. The threat actor exploits a vulnerability in routers to gain remote code execution capability,” the report explains.

TP-Link said it was taking “appropriate steps to mitigate any vulnerabilities” the company became aware of. It also signed the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, Secure-by-Design Pledge.

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Megan Cerullo




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