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UK sanctions Georgian officials for brutal crackdown on media and protesters

UK sanctions Georgian officials for brutal crackdown on media and protesters


Georgia's Minister of Interior and Tbilisi police chief is one of five people sanctioned for human rights violations in Georgia. The sanctions follow steps taken by the British government last week to cut off support for Georgian government programs and limit defense cooperation.

The UK has joined forces with the US to impose sanctions on five senior figures involved in violent attacks against journalists and peaceful protesters in Georgia.

Georgian authorities have launched a systematic crackdown on protests, civil society, media and opposition figures following public opposition to the Georgia Dream decision to halt the country's move toward a European future.

The decision undermines key components of Georgia's constitution and is widely seen as the latest step in the Georgian dream that leaves the country more vulnerable to the Kremlin.

The individuals named today, including Georgia's Minister and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and three senior police chiefs, face a UK travel ban and asset freeze and are excluded from the UK and its economy.

The announcement follows the UK's decision last week to immediately suspend all UK program support to the Georgian government and limit its participation in Georgian Dream.

These measures further protect UK national security, one of the strongest foundations of the Government's mission, by working with international partners to prevent harm. Deter and disrupt threats. You can respond effectively to accidents.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy said:

The shocking violence against protesters, opposition leaders and journalists is a serious attack on democracy and the right of Georgians to exercise their fundamental freedoms.

Our actions today show that the UK stands with the people of Georgia and will consider all options to hold those responsible to account.

The individuals sanctioned today are:

Vakhtang Gomelauri – Minister of the Interior Aleksandre Darakhvelidze – Deputy Minister of the Interior Sulkhan Tamazashvili – Tbilisi Police Chief Zviad Kharazishvili – Head of the Special Duties Department Mileri Lagazauri – Deputy Director of the Special Duties Department

Following the October congressional elections, riot police used water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets to disperse peaceful protesters, and reports of individuals being targeted and beaten were confirmed by the Georgia Public Defender (Ombudsman).

UN experts have condemned Georgia's pattern of repression and human rights violations. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), of which Georgia is a member, called this crackdown a serious violation of freedom of assembly.

Last June, the UK launched its annual flagship strategic dialogue, the Wardrop Dialogue, with Georgia in response to increasing anti-Western rhetoric and the adoption of Kremlin-inspired laws restricting press freedom and limiting equality for Georgians. ) has been discontinued.




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