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New US Space Force jammers aim to disrupt Chinese SATCOM signals

New US Space Force jammers aim to disrupt Chinese SATCOM signals


The US Space Force is set to deploy its first batch of a new ground-based satellite communications jammer in the coming months, designed to disrupt signals from enemy spacecraft.

Space Operations Command has just approved the initial fielding of the modular remote terminals, a spokesperson told Defense News on Wednesday, adding that the jammers would soon be in the hands of military users.

The Space Force plans to field 11 systems as part of the first release, giving units the opportunity to use the system before it is accepted for operations. The program has funding to build about 160, and the department anticipates needing 200 in the coming years.

Leading the RMT program is the Space Rapid Capabilities Office, a rapidly evolving acquisition team based at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. Space RCO Director Kelly Hammett told reporters last week that the small, modular terminals are designed to block adversary communications from satellites that monitor the United States and its allies, particularly in the U.S. Defense Command. Indo-Pacific.

We want to be able to disrupt their communications, their kill chains and their targeting links, Hammett said during a Dec. 11 press briefing at the Spacepower Conference in Orlando, Florida. That's what these systems are supposed to do: block reception from either, say, sensors that monitor our joint forces and report to a satellite and a combat management node, or vice versa.

The United States is particularly concerned about surveillance satellites launched by China in recent years. The remote systems, called Yaogan, provide continuous, uninterrupted coverage of the Indo-Pacific theater to identify gaps in U.S. and allied forces. The latest version, Yaogan-41, was launched into geostationary orbit late last year and can track car-sized objects, according to a January 2024 report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The RMT jammers will essentially shout in their ears, so the radars won't be able to command other systems to attack U.S. assets, according to Hammett.

Hammett declined to say where the first systems will be deployed, but said initial locations have been identified. Speaking this fall at a separate Space Industry Days conference in Los Angeles, Hammett said operators will be able to control the systems from locations in the United States, even if they are deployed around the world .

The Space RCO awarded contracts for the program just 18 months ago, working with a small Virginia-based company called Northstrat. The company partnered with a larger company, CACI, to leverage primarily commercially available technology to build the terminals.

The terminals themselves are small, Hammett said, and cost about $1.5 million each.

When it comes to space electronic warfare, you can't get any better than that, he said.

Courtney Albon is C4ISRNET's space and emerging technologies reporter. She has covered the U.S. military since 2012, focusing on the Air Force and Space Force. She reported on some of the Department of Defense's most significant acquisition, budget and policy challenges.




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