Largest investment in hospice in a generation
The funding will help support the hospice and provide much-needed funding for improvements including refurbishments, an overhaul of its IT systems and improved facilities for patients and visitors.
The largest investment in a generation for hospices has been announced by the Government today. This ensures that hospices can continue to provide the highest quality end-of-life care possible to patients, families, and loved ones.
The $100 million in funding this year and next will help hospices provide the best end-of-life care to patients and their families in a supportive and dignified physical environment.
Hospices for children and young people will receive an additional $26 million in revenue funding in 2025/26 through the grant, which was until recently known as the Children's Hospice Grant.
The Government is committed to ensuring everyone has access to high-quality end-of-life care and is taking immediate action to rebuild health services and deliver improved standards of care as part of its plan for change. future.
Wes Streeting, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, said:
Hospices provide care and support to patients and families during the most difficult times, so it makes sense that they receive financial support to provide these services.
This package will ensure we can continue to provide the compassionate care everyone deserves as they reach the end of life in the best possible circumstances.
This investment will be used to help the hospice improve its buildings, equipment and accommodation to ensure patients continue to receive the best possible care.
This includes renovating bedrooms and bathrooms for patients, providing comfortable accommodation for their families and improving IT systems to make it easier for GPs and hospitals to share important data about patients.
The money will also help improve gardens and outdoor spaces so patients and their families can spend time outdoors in greener, cleaner spaces.
It will also help us develop and improve outreach services to support people in their own homes when they need it.
Health Minister Stephen Kinnock said:
I am grateful to NHS staff and voluntary organizations, including hospices, for providing deep compassion and support to dying people and their families. The 100 million capital investment announced by the Government today will enable hospices to improve their physical and operational environments to provide the best possible care to patients.
Dr Amanda Doyle, NHS national director of primary care, said:
Hospices provide vital services to patients and families at a very difficult time in their lives, so this funding is very welcome.
It is absolutely right that our staff can provide high quality, compassionate care in the best possible environment to people nearing the end of life, and this package will help them do just that.
As part of its 10-year health plan, the government is seeking to shift health services from hospitals to the community to ensure patients and their families receive personalized care in the most appropriate setting. The palliative and end-of-life care sector, including hospice, will play a big role in this change.
Capital funding will also support the government's transition from analog to digital through digital upgrades.
There are around 170 hospices in the UK that provide end-of-life care to adults, around 40 provide hospice care to children and young people, and some hospices provide care for both.
Toby Porter, CEO of Hospice UK, said:
Today’s announcement will be greatly welcomed by hospices and the people who rely on their services. Hospices not only provide essential care for patients and their families, but also ease the burden on the NHS.
This funding allows the hospice to continue providing high-quality, compassionate care to hundreds of thousands of people each year. We look forward to working with the Government to ensure that everyone who is nearing the end of life has the care and support they need, when and where they need it.
Ralph Coulbeck, CEO of Haven House Children's Hospice, said:
It will be a huge relief to everyone working in the children's hospice field to hear that children's hospice grants will be maintained for next year. This will help support the vital care we provide to children and their families with serious illness.
It is also very positive to hear about the Government's plans to invest significantly in the wider hospice sector. We want there to be as much flexibility as possible in local decisions about how these new funds are used.
This investment demonstrates how the Government recognizes the importance of integrating services to improve the care patients receive. Through our plans for community health centres, we will drive the transition of care from hospital to the community and integrate existing palliative care services with community care services to ensure people have the best access to care through combined services.
Background Fundraising will be shared with the sector in the new year. $26 million in revenue funding for children's hospices will be awarded in 2025/26. Palliative care services are included in the Integrated Care Board's (ICB) list of services that require referral. This will promote a more consistent national approach and support Commissioners in prioritizing palliative and end-of-life care. To support ICBs in this duty, NHS England has published statutory guidance and service specifications. Most hospices are independent charities that receive some statutory funding to provide NHS services. The amount of funding each charity hospice receives varies within and between ICB regions. This will depend on demand in the relevant ICB area, but also on the totality and type of palliative and end-of-life care provision by NHS and non-NHS services (including charity hospices) within each ICB area. NHS England, together with key partners, will continue to actively engage with stakeholders, including the voluntary sector and independent hospices, to understand the challenges they face.
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