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Vivek Ramaswamy criticizes American culture angers MAGA

Vivek Ramaswamy criticizes American culture angers MAGA


President-elect Donald Trump's attempt to keep Silicon Valley tech moguls in a coalition with his most rabid anti-immigration supporters hit a snag this week after he nominated Sriram Krishnan, a venture capitalist of Indian origin, to a high-level position on artificial intelligence policy in his next administration. . Laura Loomer, a far-right social media influencer and Trump ally, said Krishnan's desire for more H-1B visas for “highly skilled” foreign workers was in direct opposition to Trump's agenda .

Elon Musk, who once held an H1B visa, said it was important to seek out the best talent wherever they are. It's a good argument.

Trump adviser and top campaign donor Elon Musk, who was born in South Africa and holds an H1B visa, said it was important to seek out the best talent, wherever they might be. It's a good argument. But then fellow DOGE co-chairman Vivek Ramaswamy, born in Ohio to Indian immigrants, stepped in to blame 1990s sitcom depictions of cool, nerdy kids for what he sees as the shortage of engineering in the country. We'd have more engineers, his argument goes, if America praised the character Screech from Saved by the Bell rather than his prep and jock pretty-boy counterparts.

Speaking about the H-1B visa program during his 2016 campaign, Trump said, “We shouldn’t have it. Very, very bad for workers. During his first term, Trump made it more difficult for foreign-born workers to enter the United States. If he had planned to do things differently this time, he would not have named Stephen Miller his deputy chief of staff for policy.

Loomer is correct to note that Trump chose Krishnan as his chief policy advisor on artificial intelligence, especially since Krishnan made Krishnan's remark to Musk on Country caps for green cards/unblocking skilled immigration would be huge.

But I prefer political incoherence to a total commitment to a bad idea. If Krishnan can convince Trump to be more open to foreign workers, it will be better for this country.

Indians make up about 75% of people applying for H-1B visas. With less than 12%, the Chinese represent the second largest number of applications. (It should be noted that more than a third of the world's population lives in China or India, and each country's population exceeds that of the United States by more than a billion.)

The fact that 35% of the world's population lives in India or China and 95% lives outside the United States means that there is more talent outside of this country than there is inside. 'interior. So it makes sense for any company that wants to compete on the global stage to look for talent wherever it is, and it makes sense for our government to let it in.

The number of people who are super talented AND super motivated engineers in the United States is far too low, Musk said in an article published on Christmas Day on X. If you want your TEAM to win the championship, you have to recruit the top talent wherever they are. . To say that the American talent pool is too weak seems to be an unwarranted judgment. Suffice it to say that the world has a greater talent pool than any other country.

The United States' medal tally at this year's Paris Olympics demonstrates that. Even though no country won more gold medals, and even though the United States won 35 more than its closest competitor, China, other countries still won 88% of the world's medals. gold and 88% of the total medals awarded.

Wondering why an American employer might assign a job to someone outside the United States is tantamount to being mad that someone abroad is singularly fast, strong, or graceful.

Suffice it to say that the world has a greater talent pool than any other country.

However, instead of making the relatively safe argument that the world is full of talent, the assertive Ramaswamy, who vowed to destroy the program when he ran for president, decided to attack American culture.

In an article Meets World… or Stefan rather than Steve Urkel in Family Matters. . will not produce the best engineers.

He added that he knew of *several* groups of immigrant parents in the 90s who actively limited how many of their children could watch these TV shows precisely because they promoted mediocrity and their children became STEM graduates at success.

The logical error is glaring. That some people who weren't allowed to watch silly, large-scale sitcoms aimed primarily at children became successful STEM graduates doesn't mean they were successful because those shows were banned. But this is not the biggest problem with Ramaswamy's argument. Why does he think characters from 30-year-old sitcoms have anything to do with the quality or quantity of our engineers? Why does he think a country's culture should be measured by the quantity or quality of its engineers?

And, perhaps more importantly, why doesn't he know that in the end, Steve Urkel went on to a successful STEM career and won the beautiful Laura Winslow?! Did his parents ban the series? Wait, he includes himself among the wildly successful STEM graduates, right?

This is a setback that we should hope will be won by those who support more H-1B visas, even the smug and obnoxious ones.

In addition to being simplistic, Ramaswamy's argument also had the effect of alienating the MAGA audience he worked so hard for as a presidential candidate.

I always love it when these tech bros flat out tell you they have no understanding of American culture and then have the nerve to tell you YOU are the problem with America, wrote Brenden Dilley, a podcaster pro-Trump, on

This is a setback we should hope will be won by those who support more H-1B visas, even the smug and obnoxious ones. America has never and will never become stronger or more competitive by starving itself of talent. And no amount of blind faith in American exceptionalism will make that true.




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